
I need help choosing a college?

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I'm going to think about transferring after 1 year of community college or maybe 2 years. My major is going to be hospitality management(hotels/resorts/restaurants/ve... and i want to work for venues/stadiums mostly involved with sports and i want to get a minor somewhere in the engineering/architecture of those venues so i know more about what im managing

my thing is where should i go?

a top school in my major or a mediocre school with my major

my choices we're

michigan state, penn state university park, purdue univ., univ. of houston, univ. south fla, univ. central fla

but im from ny either way my next school is going to be expensive, the only state school here is buffalo state but do i really want to go there?no.

so any advice could help bout transferring to schools, chooisng colleges would be helpful




  1. South compton University. what it is homie.

  2. Go to

    They let you chose where you want to go, how much tuition you are able to pay, if you want to dorm, what that college has to offer, sports within that college, racial percentages... they give you everything you could ever ask for.

    including scholarship offers

    It also shows you when your deadline is for college tours.

    good luck!

  3. The University of Houston has a great hospitality management school. It was founded by Conrad Hilton. I work for Hilton and I love it. All the things I've heard about the school are great. Also, Houston is a fun place to be with lots of cultural things to do as well as parties and clubs. Plus, its not far from the beach.

  4. The Ohio State University is an amazing college for any major.

  5. michigan state

  6. Coeledge is for morrans.

  7. UCF is over crowded. USF is quite old and a lot of the campus is out of date, and worn.

    Most Florida state colleges will absolutely take community college transfers.

    I'm almost positive both of those schools have a hospitality major. UCF is so large, that you're going to end up finding what you want, however, because of it's size, it's not guaranteed you'll get the best education.

    I suggest Florida, only because it's a nice place to life.

    As far as the other schools, I can't help you there.  

  8. michigan state. my uncle teaches there.

  9. johnson&wales i think miami maybe... is big on  hospitality

  10. get a BS in something that you can handle, then get your Professional Engineers' license. A colleague of mine had a degree in agriculture from some podunck school in the mid-south, but studied to be a PE. He also has a certification in stationary engineering, and is a licensed electrician. He runs three uildings for a corporation and is the head of facilities. He manages budgets, organizes events, and essentially, if someone ticks him off then needs some kind of favor later, too bad for them! talk about having power. He makes very good money and is respected by all.

    You can get hospitality management from many schools, of course Cornell in NY stands out....... in-state tuition applies to Cornell as it is part of the SUNY system (technically)

  11. UNLV in Las Vegas

    You can't find a better school for hospitality in the US. They also offer engineering/architecture, if I am not mistaken. At least check their website.

  12. definitely try to pick a school in an area you will be comfortable promising texas and florida are going to be WAAAAY different than NY (weather isnt the only thing, believe me im from WV and ive spent extensive time in both states and its crazy, its like a different country lol), but if your looking for a change, there you go...other things to think about, student population, clubs, athletics (if your interested in that kinda thing)...other than that, ive always heard purdue was a good school in general

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