
I need help concerning a divorce?

by  |  earlier

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In march I filed for a divorce and am still married to date.

I payed my attorney $1500 dollars for the divorce. My problem is that my husband is no where to be found. We have done everything possible to find him. My divorce has passed its 60 days. The next step in the divorce process is to do a notification by publication but my attorney is now asking for another $1000.00 to do this. My attorney has told me that the $1000 is to pay to put the add in the paper and to pay a small fee to a attorney to represent him. This sounds really fishy and im not sure what to do. A few people have told me that this information is not true and that I can file it myself. Can someone who knows what there talking about please help me on what I can do. I would like to see if I can do it by posting an ad in the newspaper or on the courthouse door. By the way I live in Bexar county Texas.




  1. Here in Indiana it is usually printed (in small print) in a weekly legal notices section of my local paper.

    It asks for this person in question to respond by a certain date, and if they don't then the court can rule in your favor since the person you are seeking out fails to reply to the legal posting.

    I would guess Texas Law is similar but do not know.

    Yes, $1000 to post one of these legal notices sounds a little absurd in cost.

    You might try checking with another law firm.....or possibly better yet....the Texas State Bar Association and see if they can answer this question just to "see" if this is proper procedure and costs relevant.

  2. I was divorced after 23 years. No attorney. No excessive expenses. No bad credit. No problems. Cost $155. I live in Tennessee.

  3. Very politely let your attorney know your qualms and that you are checking with the Texas State Bar Association on the matter.  

  4. Call the courthouse and find out exactly what you need to do at this stage. You don't need an attorney to file for divorce, that's bogus.

  5. I am not up on the legal laws of your state.....

    But I can give ya a bit of advice a friend agave me way back.....

    Lawyers are people not special or more important than yourself. You have hired him to do a job for you. If you have a question ask. If this seems strange than say so. He is costing you a small mint and therefore you are entitled to get your moneys worth. Some folks (myself included) felt lawyers know best and had a bit of Yancy's when around them. When I realized that they are doing a job for you and you are paying them for there services it helped a lot.  

  6. You definetely don't need an attorney to get your divorce done, but it is more convenient. If you and your husband have no children and no real property to fight over, I would suggest acting Pro Se (as your own attorney) to finish your divorce off. If you have an idea as to where your husband is, you'll post the notification in the paper of that area and if you have no idea where he is currently, you'll post in the paper of the last known place that he lived. You can find the necessary information for your court on the internet and follow the court rules for notification by publication. One thing you can count on though is that it may be expensive to post by publication, so be prepared to pay a good amount for that.

  7. Send a letter with your question to the County Prosecutor's office.  They should answer you.  The question has to be via letter and not over the phone.  Also, you can check with your states Bar Association.  Good luck!

  8. I would call the courthouse also you do not need an attorney to file for a divorce or to place an add in the paper giving him notice of the divorce. I would call legal aid in your area and ask these questions I think your lawyer is trying to get more money for the services he should provide for the 1500. Sorry I am not a lawyer but I filed a divorcee in 1990 and never had anattorneyy at all good luck to you.

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