
I need help in deciding?

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I've tried out two martial arts, Jujutsu and Aikido, I'm currently practicing Aikido. My problem is, I'm conflicted, I don't know which one to choose, When I was practicing Jujutsu, I felt confident and I learned the moves very quickly, I've also tried it on people, and i've won a lot of fights. But when I practice Aikido, I hardly get the moves, It's really ineffective, plus I quickly forget the moves I've learned. Which of the two should I choose?




  1. Go with what makes you happier.  If you love a challenge and don't mind it's inconveniences, then keep with the Aikido.  If you love the way that you understand and feel when doing Jujitsu, then keep on.

    Good luck.

  2. I have to agree with sea_nymph...go with the one you enjoy, this martial arts thing is entirely optional in your life, do one you enjoy.  I have a couple of friends who studied Aikido for a long time, the crossed over to Tai Chi, which is where I met them.

    You are paying for this, so pay for what you enjoy and what makes sense to you.  There is nothing worse than paying fo confusion.  I am also a Krav Maga instructor, so I can see that lost look in the eyes of some students, although our techniques are simple and direct, there are just some students whose minds are elsewhere.

    Sometimes it is the instructor, not the art, I have had my share of success and failure with students, some I can reach and relate to, some who drop out for various reasons.  Sometimes it's the singer not the song.

  3. The answer is easy and simple:

    Choose the one you enjoy the most.

    For most people, Aikido is harder to learn in the beginning because it has an "unsual" way of moving. It has falls, rolls, and requires more coordination. However, once you overcome these challenges it is a lot of fun.

    About efficiency: Fact is that ANY martial art or even weapon cannot guarantee that you will be proctected or victorious in any combat. Not even a .45.

    If you go for "effectiviness" chances are that you will get disappointed along the way.

    I'd rather go for the joy of practicing.

    Good luck on your decision.

    If you want more information on Aikido, check this site (you will need to translate it via google):

  4. Jiu-jitsu would seem the obvious choice :)***

  5. You answered your own question.

  6. This is a question of personal preference. You have to decide for yourself which of the two will get you to your goal as a martial artist.

    I have never trained in Aikido, but I have learned some Aikido techniques. Some appeared to be complexed in the beginning. But that was me making things harder than they were. After learning the techniques and having confidence in them they became easy and fun.

  7. I think you have answered your own question.  I can tell you that Aikido is an effective martial art but it takes much more time to achieve the skill level necessary to use it than Ju-jitsu does.  With Aikido some of the techniques like projections also have a timing aspect to them that really makes them difficult to master and use.  Their are many who think doing the most simple and basic techniques tends to work the best since those techniques tend to be easier to execute and less can go wrong with them rather than like can happen with a more difficult or complicated technique.  I tend to favor and agree with that view point myself and can do some pretty impressive things in a class or demo with a programmed or cooperative student.  I would never rely or dream of using one of those techniques in a real situation on the street though just because of the above reason.

  8. UNderstand that Aikido, unlike Karate or many of the other forms, is not about mastering certain moves, but rather understanding the concept of evasion and joint manipulation.  Don't worry too much about mastering moves.  I would go with Jujitsu, but that's just my personal preference

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