
I need help interpreting this:?

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So you see, this world doesn't matter to me

I'll give up all I had just to breathe

The same air as you till the day that I die

Does she mean that the guy she just broke up, she wants to be with him again?

Its a quote in my friends profile...and i'm trying to write a paper and i can't seem to interpret it to connect to my paper so I need someone elses perspective. Interpret it if you can:] thank youuuu




  1. people live in different worlds, meaning some are rich some are poor, some are famous some are not, and so on. i think what she's trying to say is she's willing to turn her back from the kind of life she have and live with the man she loves in whatever circumstance he is in.

  2. It's someone saying that all their worldy goods, possessions and everything all around them means nothing compared to this person - that they'd surrender all that they have just to be able to be close to them for the remiander of their lives (well, you need to be PRETTY close to breathe the same airl,lol!)

  3. It is a sad song. The person just wanna give up on everything.

  4. It depends on who she is talking to.  It sounds like she wants to be with someone rather than be in a world without him

  5. she loves the other person so much, she doesn't want to be

    without him.

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