
I need help please....?!?!?!?

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Ok I haven't started my period in like weeks and usually my period starts in the beginning of the month. I'm still a virgin. So whats wrong with me? Or should I be worried? nothing like this has ever happen to me.




  1. youre' okay----- unless you go for 5-6 more months without one--  telll your mom!!!!!

  2. how old are you and how long have you had a regular period if at all if you are 15 or under it is probubly just irregular... no biggy! if you are old like 16 or up go see a doctor! :D Good luck

  3. first of all how old are u? skipping a period or being late is completly normal especially in younger girls. Many girls have a pattern to their period and many dont. You may just be developing an irregular cycle. girls can get there period every 20-42 days. it is not uncommon for girls in there teens to skip a few months your body is just adjusting, even if youve had your period for a few years. i would say if you go more than 2 months without your period consult your doctor if your still worried.

  4. Depends on your age as to what you should do.

    You sound like you are very young.  If you are, dont freak, your horomones are whacky and you wont always be regular with your periods.

    If you are older, you need to go see a doctor because there could be a number of things going on.

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