
I need help please....?

by Guest56540  |  earlier

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Well.... I'm good friends with this guy.... nd i started liking him... hes really nice so i thought that even if i told him, nd he didn't like me back he would be nice about it.... well i told him, but sorta asked if he liked me....idk.... nd he said the he really couldn't answer that now, nd i said blah blah blah... like its ok I'm used to it, nd he said used 2 what... nd i basically said being rejected... but he was like... i said that because your like a best friend to me nd when i need to talk your on nd what ever, then i told him i needed to think nd that i would talk to him later... he kept apologizing nd i was telling him it was ok but i really don't know what to do... I'm going to see him to morrow, nd i think we really need to talk




  1. well, he was probably not sure what to think, he was probably really surprised and not sure what to say. and he probably doesn't want to lose your friendship at all.

    but now that he knows you like him, its all out there for him if he wants it, right? if not, then it is his loss. don't bring up the topic first, let him bring it up if he wants to talk about it. if not, like i said, he lost an opportunity. remember, don't do anything drastic. even if you just stay friends, at least you are still friends. i'm sure you would rather be friends than nothing at all, right?

  2. ok first, its spelled And. would it kill you to put that little a in front of the nd? sorry, that gets on my nerves.

    he is probably freaking out a little bit, since you two were friends in the first place. dont push it, if he wants to talk, then he will.

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