
I need help!?!....plz?

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I like a girl from work...

we talk a lot while working and joke around...(pretty much flirting)

I got her number and we have been least every other day

and we share alot about ourselves to each other.

we both are busy so we haven't been able to hang out...

a month ago i asked her if she would ever want to date (in fear of me waiting too long and her finding someone else). When she replied she said that she wasn't ready to be in a relationship but that i would make the perfect boyfriend, she then said that maybe we could when we both were ready and she loved knowing she had me as a trustworthy friend.

Since then, everything is the same as before.

but today i texted her and she replies with one word and seems annoyed

--what do i do??????

-----i really want to date her...

-----how long should i wait to talk to her again?

-----do you think i have a chance with her?




  1. she may just being having a bad day...

    ask her "how are you?"

    and just be the listening friend that you are.

  2. Wait for her to talk to you, you dont want to push things and make her annoyed. If she doesn't answer you within a week then maybe ask her whats up and maybe she will tell you if not just let things go you dont want to be the crazy guy who freaks her out ... ya know?  

  3. It seems like she wants attention and you’re diffidently giving her that. Maybe she is just a tease and you loving it. Act like you don't care about her and she will come crawling to you. Trust me us as girls we love the attention but when we don’t get it from the guys we like. We start doing more flirting and more teasing then ever.

  4. No, you have no chance with her.  That was her nice way of pushing you away on that level.  Ask he if she's annoyed with you.  Be honest and open with her but move on because it's just not there for her when it comes to you

  5. stop rushing dont make it seem like ur sprubg it maybe is creeping her out..or itz a turn off...i mean if its really bothering you confront her

  6. you are probably looking way too much into this. Like you said you both are busy. She might have been when you texted her. Wait for a while and send her another message asking how her day was today. And as far as the relationship goes you have know choice but to take it a bit slow. But then don't drag, be proactive.

  7. dont be so sensitive about the one word answer...

    its possible she is just having a rough...

    and also possible she is annoyed...

    just back off a little... let her be the one to text you...

    that will give you yours answer...

    and if she asks why you stopped texting tell her the truth.... you thought she was annoyed... which gives her a chance to explain her actions.

    Good luck
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