
I need help potty training!!!?

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My 2 year old daughter will be turning 3 in August and will start pre-k in September. Only problem is she is not potty trained and she must be by the first day of school or she will be held back and kept in the 2 year old room (that is if there is space). We have tried everything from bribes to special toys to big girl underwear. I believe that each kid must learn at his or her own pace, but now I am afraid she will be 4 and still not potty trained. She has regressed and now wants a pacifier all the time, which she never took as an infant, and is acting like a baby. Everytime I ask her to go potty, she says no and if I insist, she throws a fit. She has only gone number one on the potty maybe 3 times. I will catch her right before she goes poopy in her diaper and put her on the potty, but then she holds it while on the potty and waits until I put a diaper back on her before she does her business. I have tried everything! How much persistance is too much, how much is not enough?




  1. I'm in a similar situation.  I want my daughter to go to a Montessori school starting in September but she's only #2 trained not #1. (she's doing suprisingly well going p**p in the toilet)

    I'm trying something new which she responded to a little last night, that is "modeling with joy & excitement".

    I said look at my pink panties I love them so much I want to keep them nice and dry, do you want to keep yours dry?  Basically I'm going to start being overly enthusiatic regarding all things potty.

  2. My daughter is 2 and fully potty trained!! She started to go in the toilet when she was almost 10 months. What has helped her alot is me going potty in from of her and flushing the toilet saying bye so the noise wont scare her. I started putting her on the toilet when she was 9 months and by the 10th month she was catching on. What you can do that will really help if you do it EVERY time is putting her on the toilet every 1 1/2 hours on the toilet for 10 min. She will catch the hang of it. If she throws a fit be firm and tell her "potty in toilet NO DIPPER" Tell her that every time so she catches the Fraze and understands that what you doing is something that is supposed to be routine. You will progress with under wears YES she will go in them for about 2 weeks but that way you are catching when she is doing it and when you see she is going in the toilet run her to the bathroom and set her on the toilet that will catch her eye and realize that she has to go in the toilet. Just make sure you repeat the Fraze "NO dipper In Toilet"! IF you do this firm you will get her potty trained in 2-3 weeks for sure good luck.

    *Mom of 2 year old and 25 weeks pregnant with a boy ;)

  3. I know what your going thru b/c I'm going thru it to with my 2 1/2 yr. old. It took a long time to get my daughter potty trained,but we finally got it down during the day. We are still working on at night. My daughter would go potty one minute and then the next want nothing to do with it. What I did (mainly b/c I can't afford of buy big bags of diapers all the time) was just put big girl underwear on her and just keep working with her. And if she had an accident, I bought alot of Resolve. Works great!! Took a long time, but then one day it just clicked for her. I found that GoodNights PullUps works great b/c the hold alot. Better than just regular training pants. I put them on her when we go out and at night. She won't go on a regular toilet which sucks since when we were at alltel yesterday she peed on their floor. Its only July, giveher some time and patience, she'll get it. Honestly I think 3 years old is to young to be put in Pre-K. I waited for my oldest daughter to turn 4 then got her in Pre-K. Good luck Girl, Email me if you need any more tips

  4. I used to work for a pediatrician.I have a 6 yr old daughter that was potty trained at 18 months old but at night, she doesnt wake up for nothing.It turns out she is a hard sleeper. She doesnt wake up for anything. We also are a little embarrassed about pull ups at night, company, sleepovers, etc.

    Here are a few things to try....... Limit liquids before bedtime and make sure they go to the restroom right before bedtime....Before you go to bed, try and get her to go to the bathroom again, even if you have to pick her up while she is half asleep and put her on the toilet.She might go and not even remember.

    They say that if your child is a hard sleeper, they will eventually grow out of it. Each child is different and it may be even in the teens till she reaches that point.

    Finally, if you are at your wits end, you might want to ask your pediatrician about a pill that also helps with bedwetting.

    Dont get discouraged, there are a lot of moms with the same worries and concerns. Hope this helps and good luck.

    For potty training during the day............

    Have a contest to see who can go potty fastest. Make a game out of it. Example: Mom or Dad sit on potty and tell child let see how fast I can go. Start counting. 1,2,3 etc....

    Then when you start going, stop countin. then say lets see if you can beat that number.... let her go.... start counting...... then keep doing what you are doing about praising, making a big deal, clapping etc.

    You might want to make a side says pottied in the toilet or something and the other side can say Oops.

    Everytime she does his buissness in the potty, she gets to put a sticker on the i pottied side...... when he doesnt.... show him that YOU get to put an X on the oops side.

    Tell her that when she potties in the toilet for a consecutive amount of times she gets to pick out her very own pair of Big girl panties. (like dora, characters, butterflies, pink,) whatever she likes.

    Hopes this helps @^_^@

    Also, the thought of something big and deep taking away her potty might scare her. We used a seat that we would put on top of the toilet to make it feel a little smaller. (just her size). you can find them at walmart, toys r us etc.

  5. I have 4 children of my own....three potty trained, one to go.  The three girls were all different experiences and truly did it in their own time -- 2 at age two and 1 at age 3.  I found that force prolongs the training period.  My third daughter, resisted, I stepped back and she made up her own mind around 3 and 3 months to do it.  When they make up their own mind, the process is generally faster and results in fewer accidents.  My son is now 4 and refuses to use the potty.  I am at my wits end with him, but I will not force him (only encourage!) because I feel that force (based on experience) will set us back.  My advice to you is to continue to encourage her; do not force her.  If she ends up in the 2 year-old room, that is NOT the end of the world.  She will still have fun at school!  They are small for such a short time and it is not worth it to stress about potty training.  They all end up using the toilet, so please do not stress about it.  Enjoy the time with her and continue to be encouraging.  She will do it!  By the way......I was never able to bribe my kids to do it either.  Believe me, I promised the greatest toys and nothing worked.  They did it in THEIR time.  All kids are different and no matter what people tell you, there is no window of time that it must be done.  Good luck!  Wish me luck, too, with my son!  :-)

  6. well try to put pull ups on her.. cuase it sounds like the diapers that she has on is making her feel like a baby sill.. try pull ups they have some cool alerts that gives them a chill every time they are wet. my daughter is 2 years old and wears em they work a good. then they have some night time ones too.. if you keep swiching her to diapers and pull ups it messes them up so get night and cool alert pull ups

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