
I need help!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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am 13 and 4 months pregnant! I never meant for this to happen but it did my parents r divorced and I can't go to my dad cause he's an alcoholic and I'm not allowed to go to his house without my mom cause he hits me an abuses me. but anyways, My mom has been on a business trip and I am with a babysitter and have like not seen her at all so she doesn't know. What should I do?

But I want to keep it but my mom is really strict and mean and against teen pregnancy

no my babysitter was throwing my party but she didn't stay

I'm gonna keep the baby

I know I did something terrible just help please! and this is 100% true I swear I've never told a lie in my life.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... =[




  1.   your mom is right but it is too late to listed now. when you see her you need to tell her right away and face the consequences  because you have done as she asked you not to do you now need to act as a grown up.  after all you are a woman now.  congrats on both.

  2.    Your mother has been on a business trip for four months?  And you haven't talked to her in all that time?  You didn't just find out you are pregnant, so you had to have had an opportunity to fess up.  Tell your babysitter.  You need prenatal care now.

  3. Either way, you're going to HAVE to tell your mom.  There's no way out of it.  I mean, she's going to find out eventually, right?  The best thing that you can do is to sit down and talk to her CALMLY!  Let her know that you recognize that you made a bad choice but that you are ready to take responsibility with some help.  No one can make you have an abortion.  It's YOUR decision because your the mother, but understand that your mom WILL be mad.  Don't argue with her at all costs and just try to understand her emotions as a mother.  She is going to be sad, disappointed, angry, and just plain pissed off, but you need to realize that you made an adult decision so you have to face the consequences like an adult.  You may need to discuss it and give your mom a day or so to take it all in.  It's going to take a while to adjust to your situation, but she needs to know.  The most important thing right now is that baby inside of you.  You need to get to the doctor and start taking care of that new life!  Do your best to act like an adult since you decided to make adult choices.  Understand her side and let her vent and yell and scream.  Just deal with it all and then when things calm down, try to talk about things rationally and make practical decisions for both of you.

    Good luck with everything and get to a doctor ASAP, k?!

  4. wow. you are in trouble.

    You know, you seem sooo worried. But this question tells it. You are, absoloutley, without a doubt, not meant for this to happen to you.

    Tell your mom you didn't mean for this to happen.

    If she wants you to leave, I can't say I didn't try. Cause I did.

    But if she does, leave. Go to the dad or your bff's house.  

  5. What do you want us strangers to do?  Besides, I think you're lying.  This "I'm 13 and pregnant" thing is really getting old.  Has your mom been on a business trip the entire 4 months? Why haven't you said anything before now?  There's nothing you can do even if you are really pregnant.  You're going ot have to tell your mom so she can support you and your illegitmate baby becuase you sure as h**l aren't going to be able to.  You can't even get a job at 13.  And that means the rest of us hardworking people will have to support you and your dumbass.

  6. well its to late for an abortion and maybe when you talk about it with your mom you guys can talk about it. every thing will work out just stay calm about it  

  7. first tell your mom right away that you're pregnant. then when shes back or calmed down enough tell her that you are going to keep your baby. second you should stay away from your dad while you're pregnant have your mom or someone you trust tell him. and if you're afraid he might come hurt you then ask your mom if you can go stay at a relatives house or at one of the homes for teen mothers. trust me on this the sooner you tell her the easier it will be for you. also you should talk to the father of your baby to see what he thinks.

    i'm 16 and told my parents two weeks ago they are really mad at me, but they are starting to come around to the idea of being grandparents. the worst your mom can do is kick you out. if she does that ask to stay at a friends house. hey also if you need someone to talk to you can e-mail me at

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