
I need help to stop drinking!!?

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I drink beer every day.. How can I stop its affecting my marriage.. I NEED HELP!!





  1. Alcoholics Anonymous

  2. You need to ask yourself which is more important: your marriage and your desire to stay married to your husband, or your desire to drink beer?

    Which is more important, your marriage or your desire for beer?

    Don't buy any more beer and try drinking one less beer every day. If you drink 5 then go down to four. Then next week try drinking just three. Then next two, and then one, and then stop buying beer and try finding a hobby or joining a club or whenever you feel like drinking go for a walk.

    Of course there is always AA.

    Good luck to you and God Bless.

  3. WEll check out an AA meeting. If you are serious they do help! Good luck!

  4. yes you should seek help because you will find it very hard to do it alone i no ive failed many times tell friends and family of your intentions so you have support.

  5. get help!!! look up Alcoholics Anonymous in your area and go to a meeting! if necessary, you might have to get therapy or rehabilitation.  I know its scary to make a big move like rehab or meetings- but how far are you willing to go to save your marriage???

  6. The choice is in your hands.  You need to decide that the drink is not the solution and that the rewards come from dealing with life with a sober mind.  You need to know in your core that drinking only makes the problems worse.  

    YOU HAVE THE POWER, you just need some support to get to the point of using your power.  Confide in your family.  Confide in trusted friends (true friends will help you and not tempt you).  If you are spiritual/religious confide in your bishop/pastor/priest/rabbi/imam and your god.  These can all provide moral support.

    AA is good for support too, but they take the choice and power away from you.  They want you to place that choice and power in a higher form, which I disagree with.  Addiction is NOT a disease, it is a CHOICE. When you are addicted the choice is easy to rely on the substance and difficult to say no or to rely on yourself.  No matter what you confide in, the time will come when a beer is in front of you and you are the one to say yes or NO.

    It will be challenging and difficult to overcome, but it is realistic to accomplish.  It is a problem, but do not make it into something that is impossible.  You need to decide what is more important to you and keep that in mind at all times.  If your family/marriage is more important than drinking, then keep a small photo handy so you can look at it to help you say yes to them and no to alcohol.  Believe in yourself even if you have a set back.  Set backs do not mean failure. Giving up the fight and drinking is failure.

    You can do it.  Best wishes.

  7. Congratulations, you have taken the first step.

    Now look in your local paper, or yellow pages.  Look for an AA (Alcohol Anonymous) program in your area.   Obtain a sponsor who can help you when you are at your weakest.  

    Once again, you have taken the first step.  Congratulations

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