
I need help with friends issues!!?

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i have this friend that i've been friends with since kindergarden and lately she's been ditching me for her other friends that i'm friends with too but i feel like were not friends anymore. we barely hang out and shes hanging out with them today and didnt even ask me to come. its just been really bothering me for the past month and i dont know what to do. i dont want to loose her as a friend. please help me




  1. I had the same thing happen to me about a year ago I was friends with her for 6 1/2 years and then she kept hanging out with other people and not me. After several months of that I finally talked to her about it and we stopped being friends which was to bad but then when school started she got had changed and was all weird. Talk to her about how you are feeling and try to work it out but if it doesn't work out it isn't necessarily  a bad thing.

    Hope it works out better for you than it did for me good luck

  2. It's a difficult situation.  It's all about how much you're willing to invest into the friendship.  Be understanding, but also know your limit.  If you keep giving and all she does is take, then it might be time to move on.

  3. I would talk to her about it.. if she is your true friend then she will listen and care that u r having this issue.  

  4. that's happened to me before. and i kinda ended up drifting away from her :/ but i found out that she wasn't even a good friend anyways. maybe it's time that you two should drift apart if you think that's best. and you should start hanging out with your other friends and get closer to them. or if you don't want to drift away from her, then you should set up a day to hang out, just the two of you, like go to the movies or something and maybe you'll start becoming good friends again.

  5. As people get older, we change.  Our interests and conversation change.  We all have experienced friends' changes of heart, but you can't let that keep you down.  Just know that friends come and go like seasons.  To answer your question, just let her do what she is doing.  Eventually, you will see if the friendship will continue.  You know that saying, "If you love em let them go.  If they come back, you know it was meant to be."

  6. Just recently i felt the same way about my friend. Well i got tired of feeling that way so i asked her about it. so all though none of us wants to do it, its just best to talk to her about it. A good friend will always listen to you, and if you want to still be friends with her, you need to be open and honest with how your feeling. I hope this helps.

  7. There's not much to do but to talk to her about it. If there's something that's bothering her she should be a good friend and tell u.

  8. ask her to do something with you.

    just the two of you ! :)

  9. what you should do is call her over and only her so that you two could spend time with each other and no one else to distract you. spend more time with her until you guys are bff's again. she might not be making an effort, but if you want to stay friends with her, make an effort. remind her how good the old days were. good luck

  10. maybe she has fancyed you for a long time and realised that you dont want to take it further so she is annoyed and wants to find new friends?

  11. Well there is only one way to deal with this and that is to call her up and ask her if she could come by and talk with you. Be open minded and calm and just explain the way you have been feeling without getting angry or raising your voice and let her know what your friendship with her means to you. It maybe as simple as she just wasnt looking at it in a way of leaving you out. Or there could be underlying issues that she may have with you due to things in the past or the way you may act. Sometimes people like to act different around other people but feel they cant when another person is around with them. Its stupid, I know but sometimes people can be like that. Just talk it out with her and I am sure you will come to get the answers you need. Just dont sit and assume things cause that most times will get you the wrong answers and make things more difficult than better.

    If it turns out she is avoiding you and feels like she doesnt want to be friends for some dumb reason than you will have to accept that and realize that you are than better off without her. No one needs fake friends or people that only pretend to be a friend. You may be hurt and upset for a while but in time you will get past it and find other friends that you will know and trust in your heart will always be there no matter what.Good luck!

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