
I need help with girlfriend problems.?

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here goes

I have this amazing gf named "Kelly"

Kelly and i have been together for a couple years now we have gone through so much together.

and i want to spend my life with her she is such a beautiful amazing sweet caring loving young girl(not young same age)

and one day i told her i want to spend my life with her and she was hesident and didnt really say anything and i brought it up the other day and she told me


when she moves far away for college that she is going to dump me

and i was crushed

after everything

she is just going to dump me and throw away everything we had and have

her going to college is 2 years away

and i dont even know wha ti should do i love her

i even suggested that i would gladly move with her but she said no

its over when i go to college=/

what do i do?




  1. End the relationship, wait until you are over her and find another girlfriend. She's just told you there's no future for the two of you, so I wouldn't wait around and keep buying her lunch when she's just going to dump you. It sounds like she's keeping you around for entirely the wrong reasons. Buy her a small bunch of pink roses, take her for coffee and tell her you are sorry your relationship has to end, but you'd like it to end on a reasonably positive note. Give her the flowers, pay the bill and leave.

    She's going to tell all her friends that you're a *******, but you'll know you weren't.

  2. well just saying not trying to make you mad or anything but she didn't want to hear you say that or maybe she's going ot with another guy but if she really did say that the best thing to do right now is break up with her now and go out with another girl sorry hope I was helpful good luck :)

  3. I think she may not be having love with you.  As far as I know if there is love there will be a sacrifice.  Without sacrifice love will not be there.  She should have used you as a friend.

  4. First off, I have been in your situation so listen up!

    Although it may appear at this moment in time you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, you will look back and laugh.  Obviously finding out the person who you care for doesn't quite feel the same can been crushing, and it will take some time to get over.  

    However, you will find someone in the future that is even better, someone you have more in common with and someone who shares the same feelings about your futures as a couple.  

    I was 16 not to long ago (23 now) and I still remember the state of mind your in.  It may feel like the world is ending right now, but time will solve that problem, I promise you.  

    I was with my gf from 14-17 and we were together everyday.   It ended when we went to college.  I was devastated but now I found something much much better.

  5. well i dont know how old you r but i know i am a girl and if she is going to college i would think 17-18 yeas old and if she is she is scared to death she doesnt know if your the right one or if mr.right is out there too ask her if she is dumping you because she is scared or she dump you because she is leaving but whatever she says just know that god will be with you and my email is if you have more questians if you liked my answer

  6. condolences, seek God's intervention

  7. maybe end the relationship before u get even more involved. she told u that there is no future, so end it, try and move on, find another girl who wants the same things as u. if u really love her u wouldnt force her to do anything caz u only care about ur happiness more than ur own.

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