
I need help with my fatness =[?

by Guest33371  |  earlier

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Well I just had a baby 8 months ago and all the weight came off when he was born but came right back on 6 weeks after so I'm about 65 pounds heavier than I was BEFORE I was pregnant...I even looked better when I was pregnant because I had a cute baby belly and now its just fat. I've never had a double chin and now I do. I see pictures of me when I didn't have all this weight and I envy myself. How stupid is that. My boyfriend wont tell me I'm ugly but when he's mad he does call me fat. I am a very picky eater and busy person...any secrets!?!?! PLEASE HELP!!! I want to be beautiful again!!

P.S. I have posted this before but thought I might get better help in this category?? Perhaps??




  1. The formula for weight loss is really simple - burn more calories than you consume. To maintain weight - eat the same amount of calories you consume. To put on weight - eat more calories than you consume. What a shame you relate fat with ugly, perhaps you need also to work your self esteem?

  2. Let me begin with , I know where you're coming from. I have a 3 month old son and he's my first. I gained weight and it came off but my belly will NEVER look the same. As for you, a must is sit ups, your muscle in the abdomen is loose and needs to be tightened by sit ups. Then just watch your (fat calories) intake. u know the typical dont eat bad food. By the way. Your boyfriend shouldnt call you fat. Your a mother, and thats not something many women can say. gluck  

  3. Try weight watchers

  4. I had my second just over 1 year ago and i can honestly say that I have ever felt so unfit, unhealthy and unattractive as I do now!! When i had my first I used to walk for an hour each day and that got the weight off and kept it off. After the second, walking was a bit of a waste of time coz the 2 and a half year old wouldn't go in a pram and therefore we would dawdle around the streets which was quite pointless!!

    I have just last week hired myself a cross trainer and have started half an hour each day on that. After 4 days, I already feel better!! I am also following a popular Aussie diet called the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet (CSIRO is our Govt research centre here is Australia). I like it coz it actually tells me what to eat each day. Even though i already know that I shouldn't eat choccy each day etc, it makes it easier (for me) to have it written down.

    I am approaching it from a "one day at a time" (cliche lol) and have set myself a goal of when I want to look and feel better. I have a function for my husbands work in about 9 weeks and I want to look a whole;e let better for that - we both worked for the same company before I became a Stay at home mum so I will know a lot of the people there.

    Keep a picture of yourself "before" handy so when you reach for something you shouldn't, this may help you to say "NO".

    And lastly, appreciate yourself for the job you are doing as a Mum/Girlfriend/Daughter....... It's a bit of a vicious circle - you feel bad about yourself, you eat something you shouldn't, you feel bad about yourself! and so it goes on.

    It is not an easy journey, but good luck to you. Put your needs first every now and then!

  5. Hi, i understand completely what your going through, my son is now 6 months and never lost any weight i put on while pregnant.

    My weight loss has been very slight and slow but it is happening.

    Whatever you do dont crash diet as that will cause the weight to come back on so much quicker and it'll be garder to lose next time round.

    Make sure you always eat breakfast and cut out snacks, thats all ive done as well as walking everywhere with my baby rather than getting a lift or a bus.

    I walk 2-3 miles two or 3 times a week and im finding it quite helpful. I also have a swivel machine that you stand on and twist from side to side and i use that for 10 mins a day.

    I wouldnt take what your boyfriend says to heast, as with all people when were mad we say things to try and hurt the other person, its just human nature and he says this because he knows it upsets you.

    I wish you the best of luck and trust me you will get your figure back just dont rush it :D

  6. the only time i ever lost wieght was going to bed hungry . i wouldnt eat a few hours before bed and in the morning have coffee and a big healthy breakfast fo r energy for the day if you dont like eating in the morning then train   yourself.i would make healthy choices during the day. I also learned to like excersize. pilates is great all you need is a pilates video and a cardio video and do it every other day and go for walks with your baby and no alcohol.  

  7. I am about 25 pounds heavier than I was before I was pregnant, so I feel your pain.  My boyfriend also calls me "fat" (jokingly), but it really hurts my feelings.  

    I try to cut out as much fat and sugar in my diet as I can.  I still drink soda, but I've cut down the amount I drink.  I also try to take walks every day.  I'll put my 9-week old daughter in her stroller, and I'll walk while she naps.  

  8. Firstly, if you are still breast feeding you're best bet is probably just cutting down on portion sizes, eating what you know is good for you, not eating between meals and avoiding too many carbohydrates and sugars. Alternatively, if you are no longer breastfeeding here's a good plan. You can lose a pound a day on this. I've recently lost fifty pounds doing this diet which is a combination of different diets. Eat only protein with cream in your hot drinks. You can cook your meat and fish with a little oil or butter. Drink sugar free drinks, Use a sweetener that you can cope with. Don't eat anything else not even veg or fruit. To stay healthy, when you do the diet take a multivitamin and mineral tablet also omega 3,6 & 9. Protein means egg, bacon, fish, meat, poultry etc. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. For the sake of your health and your sanity, have a day off the diet regularly say every three to five days. On those days include what you feel you've missed out on. More importantly, eat lots of fruit and vegetables. If you eat rubbish on your day off, you'll gain up to three pounds. If you eat fruit and veg on your day off you may even still lose half a pound. Its easy to go crazy and overdo this diet because you are rewarded day by day watching the scales go down. However, your health and your baby are more important so whatever you do be sensible about this diet. The closest book to this diet is "The New High Protein Diet" by Charles and Maureen Clark. Hope this has helped. You deserve to feel good about yourself. You're a Mum - the best profession there is.

  9. I am a stone and a half (about 20 lbs) heavier than I was when I got pregnant.  My daughter is 10 months now and I am going back to work in 5 weeks so the diet starts here, lol!  I have decided to give slimfast a try just for 2 weeks for a kick start. What I think will help me is that my partner now needs the car for work so I am forced to walk everywhere.  I hope to see an improvement soon!  Good luck to you, too!

  10. Situps, running, walking, take your baby swimming and bring your bf so that you can spend some time actually swimming because it is an excellent way to get all you muscles moving, biking too!  I know that it is very easy to continue eating the way you did while pregnant but you have to eat really healthy snacks, which I also know is hard if you are busy!  If you make little baggies of carrots and celery, or grab a fruit then it is easier to snack healthy and it is just as fast!  I also found that using my baby as a weight by holding him under they armpits and lifting him up and down allowed us both to have fun as well as tone my arms, and you can also lay on your back and put your legs in the air bended and lie your baby on your lower legs and just lift up and go back down, your baby will get a kick out of it and it will tone your legs really fast!

  11. Lipo

  12. It just takes time. My midwife told me that it takes about a year for your figure to start to return to how it was before you fell pregnant. I don't think it's very nice your boyfriend calls you fat in fact i think thats shocking considering you have had a beautiful baby. All you can really do is eat healthy and try and exercise as much as you can.  

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