
I need help with my parakeet.?

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Okay. I just got a parakeet. I have never had a bird. I keep him in the cage while Im at school, and at home I let him out to hang around with me. The only problem I have with him is that he poops almost EVERYWHERE. Please help me. I don't know what to do!




  1. Birds only p**p once every 15 minutes

    People need to get educated before buying a pet!

    Its a natural thing - it cleans up easy

    If you can't deal with it - shouldn't of gotten a pet to begin with

    but invest in a play gym (you can get them for 10 dollars at pet smart)

    That way they stay in one place and p**p on it

    Getting rid of a animal because it's messy is UNACCEPTABLE!

    or if it mainly stays on one area place a towel or paper towel under it

    A quick picker upper is a cardboard roll from a empty paper towel roll, or toilet paper roll, when the bird poops just roll it over it and it'll pick it up!

    Do your research people! animals are live, they have feelings just like you!  

  2. It natural for birds to p**p everywhere :)

    The diapers are hard to get on and my Jenday didn't like it at all. But that doesn't mean for you not to try it.

    I can only suggest that while the bird is on your shoulder, to drape a hand towel across your shoulders.

  3. Believe it or not, they sell parakeet diapers!  Try searching for them online.  Or, you can just deal with the p**p - let it dry up and always keep a Dustbuster handy!

  4. i had parakeets,got rid of them because their real messy, and p**p almost every 3 seconds, thats just the way they are

    i recomend a diff bird like cockatoo or somthing lke a parrot, but the good part about parakeets is that their p**p is small and their less likely to bite

    unlike those parrots, one c**p is like a tablespoon and really hard to clean up

    message me if u want to know more about birds or need help:]

    EDIT: to help with the p**p, whenever you hold em on ur shoulder, always wear an old t-shirt,thats what my cuzins always do, its their p**p shirt they call it lol

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