
I need help with suicide

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it seems weird doing this but i dunno what to do for over a year i have contemplated suicide and attempted twice I'm only 16 though and i really don't want my parents to know because they will think it is there fault but its not i do not know why i feel this way nothing has happened to make me feel like this, but it is getting to difficult and unfortunately i have fallen in love with one of my best friends but he does not know and he really only likes me as a friend and is much older than me and this just makes me feel even more ****.




  1. its your growing up hormones thats making you feel like that/you will get through this difficult teenage period

    funnily enough parents are there to give a shoulder to lean on //they were teenagers too /so know what you can be going through.

  2. Ring, Ring, Ring

    "Suicide Hotline, please hold...."

    grow up. stop being selfish.  There are people getting raped, people starving, people with no arms or legs, people fighting in a war for you so you can think about committing suicide.  Seriously grow up and get some serious help.  

  3. look life is hard but if you kill yourself your parents will blame themself, you friend will be interrogated, you posted on the net, leaves a record, he will blame himself, and you never kno he might love you and think u dnt want him, if not he may chage his mind, but not if  you die

  4. Get your own gurl!!!!!! "theres lots of fishes in the sea"...

  5. Don't let the depression get you to do that.  First maybe you should tell your friend how you feel, maybe he feels the same way, but is just as scared to share his feelings.  Another thing you can try is getting involved in extra-curricular activities.  The busier you are in high school, the happier is is what i found.  Just hang tight.  Life isn't bad, it's good.

  6. I would about it. Share how you're feeling with someone, even if you give a helpline a quick call. Get it off your chest. These things are never as bad as you think they are and within time you will wonder why you were so worried about these things in the first place.

    Life is hard sometimes but don't waste time worrying about things you can't do anything about. You need to channel your energy somewhere else. Good luck!

  7. Suicide are for losers and weaklings!


  9. Well lets see you focus on the negative.

    You are attracted to those you cannot have.

    Its all your fault (aka nothing happened to make you like this).

    I think your depressed.

  10. well ur only 16 so ur probs gonna meet sum 1 who likes you back.

    I wouldn't commit suicide, i mean ur parents are going to find out if you do aren't they, lol

    life is worth living, and what ever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger,.

  11. i have felt the same but kill ur self is doing no1 favors just the boy how you feel and tell you parents whats going on maby they can help

  12. cant you just think about someone other than yourself?

    what about your family? or the people who know you? how would they feel if you killed yourself?

    suicide is selfish. think about someone else for a change. live for someone else if you cant live for yourself.

  13. Why don't you think of something that really made you happy in say the last year or so and say to yourself "if I kill myself - I will never know any of the good things that will happen in my life". The next time something really good does happen say to yourself " If I had killed myself I would never have enjoyed this day and I'm glad I didn't". Life is what you make it. SO MAKE IT GREAT!!!

  14. You said you don't want your parents to know about this, because of the fact you think you might hurt them, dude, this is MORE than hurting them! Unfortunately there is NO one out there. NO other human who has NEVER gone through this! Unfortunately this is life. Unfortunately we all want to do something to ourselves at one point in our life, that we know we're determined to do but infact we know we don't want to do it. You might not want to admit it to the internet, you might as well admit it to yourself. Because this boy, is just someone in your life that you like, he shouldn't harm you at all. Boys always do though, and that's the problem but everyone should be able to be happy again.

  15. Do you think if you gonna suicide, they gonna love you? if you want to they love you, be brave and be strong, and try to learn how face the difficulties.  i think their is some one for you who is best for you.


  16. Lots of people struggle with suicidal thoughts including myself.  Do you have someone you can talk to if you don't feel comfortable talking to your parents?  You are almost certainly suffering from depression and therapy and/or medication will ddefinitelyhelp you.  

  17. I'm not an expert call someone who knows what they're doing google search suicide hotlines and call even if you don't owe it to yourself you owe it to your parents.

  18. suicide is never the answer. think of all of those you will leave behind.. it is very difficult for them to cope.. it is much worse than whatever you could be going through to make you feel this way. talk to someone you trust. someone who will talk you out of it. please, please, please, don't do anything to hurt yourself!

  19. My mother killed herself when I was 13. Her grandmother killed herself when she was 40. My whole life, even though I've had a pretty good time of it, has been a long struggle to stay "up". Sometimes it's nothing you can change just by wanting it. Sometimes you need help from a professional who can train YOU to manage your feelings, or get you medication if you need it.

    I know you don't want to tell your parents, but if my child were feeling this way and didn't come to me, it would break my heart. Their guilt is not your responsibility, but you ARE theirs, so please tell them and ask for counseling.


  20. You really need to get some help here.  There is something really wrong even though you say that there is not.  There is something deep down inside that is making you feel this way.  The sooner you get help the better you may feel about yourself and stop all of these attempts to end your life.  Get some help before it is too late.  

  21. The fact that you have posted this means that you are reaching out and that is perfectly normal. You want help. My dear, please, call a suicide help line and really listen to them. I have had to do it myself in the past. Your problems are no less than anyone elses. To you they are huge. We all have our problems and sometimes, dealing with those problems seem unsurmountable. But it would be such a waste for you to do this at your young age. Do you realize the difference you might make to someone else somewhere along in your lifetime? You count. I pray that you seek help and wish I was there for you.

  22. You better ask this in Health - mental health.

    If you are having thoughts about suicide it normally means you are suffering from a disease named "depression".

    There are effective treatments for this, such as therapy and medication. Go and talk to your doctor.

  23. I don't think you need help with suicide,i think you need help finding someone to talk to about the way you're feeling,please speak to someone you are close to who you feel you can trust and try and get it all off your chest,you,re sixteen you have your life in front of you don't waste it.If theres noone who you can speak to,try ringing your local samaritan line.The phone lines are manned with people who will listen and also give sound advice,they are really good and sometimes speaking to someone who doesnt know you over the phone is a lot easier.  

  24. You need to talk to your parents and close friends, and you should see a psychologist.

  25. Suicide is you telling god that you quit......

    Dont quit yet, your still too young.  Live a little more, and see what life has to offer.

  26. Speak to your parents about this, at your age it is easy to get depressed, but trust me, everyone goes through teenage angst and things do get easier, sooner than you think they will.  This is really not the forum to help you, but you need to talk to your folks, or a counsellor.  Good luck!

  27. I contemplated suicide but I couldn't talk my ex-wife into it.

  28. Dont give up! That's all that suicide is. Imagine how upset your parents would be for rest of their lives if you actually went through with it. Life is too important to give up so quickly. Make something out of your life so others can learn from you.

  29. There is nothing most people can say. My brother tried when he was 16, but now at 23 he has worked around his problems and doesn't think that way anymore.

    You should tell your parents, but if you can't, talk to your doctor about counselling or phone childline the number is 0800 1111.

    Talking to your parents is the most important if you can do it. If it was term time I would have suggested a teacher as well.

  30. I'm sorry you feel this way.  I attempted to kill myself when I was 16, but I didn't remember it for 3 years... It was weird...

    If you would like someone to talk to, you can email me... Just click on my profile... I can relate to depressed and suicidal feelings, and it may just help to talk with someone who is not actually in your life.

  31. Well, just so you know.....everyone has had the thought of suicide in their life. Everyone. But, this will pass. You need to talk with someone not on the internet.  Teacher, parent, pastor, priest, with someone.  

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