
I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

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ok im 14, ive only had one boyfriend in my entire life and he dumped me in liek a week.. i hate the way i look i think im like the ugliest thing on the planet, i hate my teeth and i was hoping to get braces before we go back to school but we dot have enough money for them so im going to have to wait till after we start school!! i have friends but i dont really have a BEST friend anymore....i just hate my life. i hate myself i mean i dont ever thnk about suicide or any thing but im just unhappy with my life, i just need some help on how to turn my life around.

besides all that ugliness i have super curly frizzey hair, i just hate the way i look, i always have huge rings under my eyes and im not the skinniest thing in the world, im not fat but im not skinny either!! im really tall and lanky and i suck at all sports, sometimes i feel like i suck at everything!!!




  1. Sweetie, I am sorry to hear you feel this way.  I think many kids have gone through this and it isn't easy to deal with.  Your lucky you have friends and best friends are hard to come by.  Although you think you are ugly and you seem to think this is the main problem that is causing every other problem, I just want to tell you that other kids your age have felt like you and they weren't ugly at all.

    In the past, some kids have dealt with this same issue by striving not to put themselves down all the time.  Reading self-help books have helped kids refocus on what they can change about themselves.

    Change what you can and try not to get hung up on the rest!!

  2. ok, I fail to think that you are as ugle as you said you are and if you continue thinking like that, you are going to drive yourself into depression, then you will really be ugly, furthurmore, I don't see how you can be lanky but not thin, you must be either one or the orther. I think that you just don't want to admit that you have somthing that some girls would kill for. you are not lanky, you are slender and thats good. have you ever heard of putting your best foot forward. your teeth might not be what you want it to be right now but I bet it can only serve to make you unique. you are not good at anything because you don't allow yourself to be good at anything. heres is what you do. you might have to find a way to straighten that curly hair one day. maybe save a little and go to hair parlour or you can borrow aone of those straighting iron and have your mom do it for you since you don't have a best friend. put on yout favourite suite, maybe a little make up, a whole lot of attitude and you are going to look amazing.  

  3. You are being your own worst enemy, and you tend to magnify what you perceive as ugliness.  You don't have to live with crooked teeth forever, and there is a lot of things you can do with your hair and makeup.  Being tall is an asset, not a liability.  You can wear clothes well, and look good in the latest styles.  What you really need to work on is your self-esteem.  You are judged more by the person you are inside, and not by your looks.  You are still very young, and you will undergo a lot of physical changes in the next few years.

      When I was going to school, many of the most popular girls were not raving beauties.  In fact, some were fat, some had acne, and one girl was in a wheelchair.  But their personalities were such, that everyone was drawn to them.  Think of yourself as beautiful, my dear, and chances are, others will think so too.  Good luck!  

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