
I need homeschool help.please?

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*please take the time toread this and answer me

* i live in florida..

1. if i get homeschooled will i still get a diploma?

2. can i get homeschooled in the middle of a school year?

3. can i get my permit unsuspended if i start my homeschooling before i go to 30 consecutive days (thats how i can get my permit back)

4. can i homeschool in florida but go to college in washington?

5. Thank you thank you thank you!!!




  1. 1. Yes. It might not be a Florida-state recognized diploma (unless you go through the online public school for Florida), but you can get a diploma.

    2. Very likely. Contact a homeschool association for Florida to find out the details. Even a Florida homeschoolers' site might have the information you need.

    3. Talk to whomever issued the permit (what permit? driver's? work?). They may need to know specifically about your details.

    4. You can homeschool anywhere and go to college anywhere.

  2. 1. Yes, either from your parents (it still counts as long as you completed the work you both decided you had to do) or from a virtual school or distance education program... But you don't need one. Colleges only look at the transcripts and test scores (as well as all the extras like activities, volunteering, etc) for homeschoolers. All a diploma is is a piece of paper that says what school you finished at. You don't need it for college, nor do you need a GED (though some get one anyway just as a back-up)

    2. Yes. I started homeschooling in the middle of a school year. Just follow the directions outlined in Florida's HS laws (I live in Fl too). Send a certified letter of intent to the school board and you're set.

    3. You'll need to call the DMV for that one and inform them that you're homeschooled. There shouldn't be any problem.

    4. Absolutely! That's like asking if you can go to public school in one state and then to college in another. Of course you can!

  3. 1.  Of course you can!!!  How do you think all those homeschoolers go on to become rocket scientists?

    2.  It depends on your school.  Most normal ones allow it.

    3. wuhuh?

    4. sure!  if you're smart enough ;)

    5. You're Welcome!  You're Welcome!  You're Welcome!

    And have a nice day... :)

  4. Washington State colleges, (like most colleges across the nation) are very open to homeschoolers.

    Washington State University has policies for homeschoolers written right in their admissions handbook.

    Glurpy has answered your other questions the same as I would.

    Dispite Earl D.'s comments, homeschool parents do issue their students diplomas, and while they are not accreditted, many employers accept them, and colleges don't ask for them from homeschoolers.

    To find out more about the diploma issue, go to:

  5. 1.  Only if yu use the Florida Virtual (on line) school OR another program that awards a accredited diploma (few do)

    The people saying YES are not being totally honest.  A diploma NOT recognized might as well be made on yur own computer!  In which case, give yourself a PH D instead!

    The DIPLOMA has to be RECOGNIZED to be a diploma otherwise it's University of Phonix!

    THere is one through James Madison Highschool and it technically is legal.  It's a real school and a real college.

    MOST programs like ABeka and Penn Foster don't grant diplomas or diplomas that hold weight.  Penn Poster, however, is starting to get more recognition and now has a "college" in quotes.

    The Diploma has to hold weight or just make one up in Word for Windows, cause that's the same thing!

    But that's not manditory for college and you are qualified to take the GED if you do the work.

    2.  Yes, you have to notify them within 30 days of starting

    3.  No sure what you mean, ask the school

    4.  Yes, most colleges accept homeschool education, BUT you will still have to take entrance exams and write essays if required and should take the SAT/ACT test

    You ALSO have to meet the work level

    Math (Algebra Trig)

    Calculus for Science majors

    English Composition and grammar

    2 years 2nd language for Medicine and Private colleges

    Math CHemistry or Physics (both for science and medicine)

    Civics (Politics)

    It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with Styles like APA, Harvard and Chicago.

    5.  Understand you HAVE to keep a portfollio of your work AND you have to be evaluated by test or pschologist ONCE a year in Florida

    Florida DOES have a virtual on line school and if you complete it it offers a Florida DIploma and it's FREE to florida residents.

    It is considered homeschooling

    Also understand if you incomplete or fail a course it can be a blemish that goes on your Florida record, so proceed with care!

    It is NOT, however, the only way.

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