
I need ideas please!! =S?

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i am trying to do a folder game about the five senses, one for each sense, but can't find anything so I guess I have to do it by myself but I just don't have idea of how to do it.. =S it's for pre-k




  1. I like the last guys idea!

  2. step 1-have a bunch of random items

    2- put a blindfold on ea child

    3- have them smell it, touch it, taste it(if edible), hear it (if it makes noise, and see if they can figure out what it is

  3. You can make a matching game.   Find a  picture of a nose, mouth, ear, hand, and eyes all about the same size and glue them on the inside of the folder on  both sides.   Then find pictures that will go with the senses.


    Smell-     skunk, flower, smoke

    eyes-       book, tv, glasses

    hearing-  bell, drum, knocking on door

    touch-      bunny, glove, cotton balls

    taste-       ice cream, sandwich, candy

    This is age appropriate things they would know.  

    Then glue those picture on and index card that is cut in half.  They will fit better on the folder.  Then all the children have to do is match what the card goes with.    You can get the pics from magazines, or clip-art on your computer or off the Internet.  It is really easy.  Good Luck!

  4. i dont know

  5. We have the stores where I live, not sure where else they are located. EXCELLENT resource!

  6. Could you ellaborate? What do you mean by folder game?

  7. I don't know what you mean about a folder.   Here are a few creative ideas to get the kids involved.  

    1.  Once when I was in like the first grade my teacher gave us an apple and a potatoe, we were blindfolded, and she told us to plug our nose and eat both seperatly... Since they were the same texture we couldn't tell them apart...this proved that the sense of smell and the sense of taste are closely connected.

    2.  Blindfold kids and tell them to first feel the object (maybe like a grape or something) then tell them to smell it  

    afterwards tell them to taste it... all the while they are trying to guess what the object is...

    I really don't know if this helps.  I hope you can use these ideas.

  8. Folder game?

    Anyway for hearing - the game Traffic Lights.

    When you say RED, they stop,  GREEN  they have to move about, AMBER slow motion

  9. have you tried Sure start or Cbeebies website for ideas , A possible game could be the Zoo or seasons , a different season , different taste e.g summer - strawberries , Autumn - pumpkin or toffeeapples , Spring - hot x buns . You could have lollipop sticks with childs foto on , you could even link the zoo with the seasons in one game.

    hope this helps

  10. your local teachers store has books of them or try holco it is a teacher strore

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