
I need money. Success with MLMs?

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Hi guys and gals, i always hear of people who make it big with MLM, but usually its the people who get in early that make the big $$$.

But has anyone actually gotten these to work? I would love to hear your success stories.




  1. buy domain-

  2. Good Morning Nory,

    Yes MLM's are a fabulous way to make a serious income. You must find one that you will believe in 100%, one that sparks a passion in you to succeed and one that when you wake up in the morning you can't wait to get working it. Every MLM's presentation is designed to swoop you off your feet and they are very good at it. You must do your own research, they should be rated by the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and never be publicly traded so the companies concern will be with the stock holders not the reps. Talking about the incomes of certain people in each MLM doesn't mean anything unless it's your income, they all have success stories. It's your success that matters!

    I was able to retire at a early age due to the success of a business I started from home. My time is now devoted to my wife, our 5 children and helping as many people I can achieve the same success I was so fortunate to achieve. I am always available to answer your questions and help in anyway I can. There are some great choices that meet all the criteria for your success.

  3. My success with MLM came when I had these essential 4 things taken care of.

    1. MLM Prospecting: I use SiteBuildIt to create my websites. There is nothing better.

    2. For getting MLM Referrals: An online/offline support tool for getting referrals for network marketers. This suits people from all companies. You also need to effectively follow-up with customers, prospects and distributors. And the most effective (and efficient) follow-up method for ANY business (but particularly MLM) is sending postcards and greeting cards. This one thing does it all. Need proof? - Take a free trial and you will see what I mean.

    3. Online Follow-up: Online follow up and the sequencing of timely reminders to stay on top of your relationship building strategies is handled by Oprius. You can take a free trial of this system here.

    4. MLM Training: All handled in the Renegade Network Marketer. Don’t attempt modern day InterNet-work MARKETING without this essential training.

  4. First of all, ignore any negative comments you will get in this formum about MLM. Believe me you will. This is where you have to learn to be mentally tough. Not everyone will share your dreams.  Also, there is nothing wrong with a MLM company being publicly traded.  Amway, Avon, Herbalife and many others are publicy traded.  Whether publicly traded or privately held, MLM cannot survive if lose membership and their products don't sell.

    Do not judge your possible successes or failures on what other people are doing in MLM.  There is zero guarantee that you will be successful or fail.  However, you can improve your odds by getting properly trained.

    Learn how MLM works so you can explain it. A good link is:

    This site is from Tim Sales one of the top network marketing trainers.

    Watch the three vidoes he has posted. He eplains in very easy to  understand language your concern about who makes the money in MLM.  The company I am with promoted over a 100 to director level this year and 94 this year.  I am not a director yet, but I am also not a quitter.  

    There is one person in our company who joined in 2002.  Nine people above him all "quit" after a few months because it was hard work.  Well, today he is a 4th level director and if those who had quit remained, they would be doing a lot better financially.

    You have also find a strategy that works for you.

    A good thing to use for contacting people is a Prospect Memory Jogger list. The below link is from my company, but can apply to any business.

    You need to also learn all you can about your product or service. You want to get just as many customers as team members. A unhappy customer can ruin your business. You should be able to sell your product/service successfully as if the MLM part never existed. MLM is not for everyone and that is just fine.

    MLM is a relationship business. Learn how to invite, present, close the sale and follow up properly with the prospect. Don't be afraid to talk to people and don't be afraid of the telephone as if it weighs 500 pounds.

    a good site for MLM training and other information is:

    Learn how to ask for referrals. While MLM may not be for one of your prospects, they may know someone who would be interested. Pass out your business cards and get as many contacts as you can. Try putting together a monthly news letter, start a blog, put a sign on your car. There are all kinds of free onlne ad sites.

    Get a sales coach. Keep a data base of all your contacts You also need a follow up data base. When you follow up, don't ask them if they are ready to join. Ask them if they have any more questions or need more information. Learn to prevent objections before they happen.

    MLM is about getting what they want. Learn also not too talk so much. Ask questions about what they need and listen. You also need to give them realistic expectations. They need to ignore all the videos of fancy cars, big houses and promises of quick wealth. They need to understand that it takes hard effort and a lot patience.

    A company should have a income disclosure statement. If not, ask for one. My company has one and is available on the profile page. Show the companies income disclosure statement to your prospect.

    MLM has been and always will be a target and be under the jealousy microscope. People think because they pay a low amount to enter, they are entitled to be rich in a month. Make sure they read and sign any agreements., Highlight important areas such as opt outs, refunds, income expectations, etc.

    Additionally, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn to accept "no's" and "failures" as positive. Your goal should be to get as many "no's" as you can. The problem is most people do everything to be successful, while avoiding failure.

    People try and get as many "yes's" as they can and when they get 5 no's in a row (especially from family and friends) they get discouraged and quit. The word no should empower you. Your reaction to the no's will determine your future success. While your "yes" goals are important, your "no" goals are critical. keep track of your "no's". In this business, some will, some won't, so what, next. If your business is unseen, untold, it will be unsold. To make it in sales, you have to accept failure as part of your business. Quantity is usually better than quality. Don't try to be perfect. No one ever died or got sick from hearing the word no.

    It will take time to build your business. You have to learn to ignore the negative people. Remember, failure is just an event. Thomas Eddison failed over 2,000 times before he able to achieve his goal of the light bulb. If you get a yes, great, but keep on going. In life, winners fail more often than losers.

    I realize this is a lot of information. A good link to learn how to embrace "no"s is at

    You will only fail if you quit. I was a recent convention of my business. One of the top earners told us that he joined in 2002. 9 people above him all quit. If they had stuck with it, they would be making a lot of money

  5. Hey Nory,

    There are a lot of MLMs out there, I've had my fair share of experience with MLMs, and most of them do NOT work well.

    I finally found MonaVie, which turned out to be a great side income earner for me. I run several businesses, and eventually MonaVie will eclipse one of my businesses in monthly revenue.

    The reason behind my success is the rockstar support team that I have depended on time and time again. They actually put people under me, so that eliminates the difficult work.

    The goal behind our team is to get you from nothing to the rank of Blue Diamond in 6 months if you perform average, the average Blue Diamond makes around $424,430 a year, or $8,162 a week. Not bad pay for the work you put in. I am almost there.

    Anyways, we are having a conference call later this week to get new signups, if you are interested in being part of our team, please let me know! This is something you don't want to miss out on! :)

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