
I need opinions please......?

by  |  earlier

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i just started up photography

and i love it (:

i love looking at pictures and

taking them.

this is my first official picture

im proud lol (:

any opinions are welcome.

good or bad, ill take them.

any tips or suggestions

from people w/ experience

would be amazing.

thanks (:




  1. Nice photo welcome to the club!!!! I like taking pictures of butterflies and birds.

  2. That is really great. I enjoy taking pictures also.  My camera seems to  be magical in getting good shots. An optical view finder seems to be a must in bright sun.

    Check our the source link about cleaning camera and battery contacts. It has really made my camera work much better. Digital cameras require lots of power and must have really great battery connections.

  3. Interesting picture!  But take the date off your camera so it doesn't show on your pictures.  Keep shooting!

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