
I need rat help.?

by Guest63065  |  earlier

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I own four rats. I raised two from when they were babies. They're great. They don't urine mark, they don't get scared, and they don't p**p anywhere except the bottom of their cage. However, I rescued two more rats. They were about 3 or 4 months old when I got them. They pee on everything, p**p EVERYWHERE, and I cannot get them to take to me. I rescued them because I love animals, and I'm willing to dedicate my time to them, but it's starting to get frustrating. Is there some trick I don't know? How do you train a mature rat? Or is there no hope?




  1. Maybe they're retarded.  Animals can be retarded too

  2. I have saved rats that were already 6 months + old from horrible situations, no socialization at all--all turned out to be good pets.  Give them time and socialize them slowly, they'll come around.  I would take them out for a few minutes, a couple times a day.  Gradually increase the time and things should improve.  Good luck!

  3. What s*x are they?

    If males, they are being their normal, territorial selves. Rats don't fully mature until a few months old, and until then, have no instinct of scent marking. Once they come of age, they become interested in protecting thier territory, and establishing dominance within the group. This calls for urine marking, as well as occasional fighting, which is all a normal part of thier "manhood". There is no "training" it out of them unless you get them neutered. Once the hormones deminish, they will behave just like they did when they were babies.

    If females, they should not scent mark as much as males. However upon being introduced to the new rats, they may feel invaded in a way, and urinate to scent mark just until they get to know the new rats well enough. Or it could even be that the new rats make them nervous, and they pee because of their nervousness. So if females mark territory, it's only temporary.

  4. They are going through puberty and are marking their territory because they are trying to prove dominance over your bonded pair of rats.

  5. They might just be marking there territory because of there age.

  6. good luck...idk....

  7. they are wild let them go. I personally dont like rats but I dont think they would make good pets if they are already fully grown
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