
I need serious help!!! please help!!!?

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ok so im going to juinor high next year im pretty scared because its like going to a different school which i never experienced that before so if any of you guys have any helpful tips PLEASE help im really scared and would really apprricate it if you help thanx for your patience =]and i know i put it in the wrong catorgory thingy but there was no where else 2 put it =]




  1. Become a member of a self defense group..  Evaluate where your weakness is and then apply yourself to your problems. Things that U know with confidence are no longer scary..

  2. Starting something new is always scary, everyone else will be scared as well.

    It doesn't matter how old you are, new things will always be scary which is why some conservative folk hold onto the past. Things are always changing everywhere and for everybody.


  3. Junior high is very weird compared to grade school.  

    Remember that everyone else there is just as freaked out about it as you are.  It's a very alkward time for people because their bodies are going through changes, they're not getting along with their parents as well as they used to, they're losing old friends and meeting new people, teachers expect more from you, and everyone hates their hair, their skin, their clothes and their voices.  

    Guys don't want a girlfriend and so simply stay away or just have them as friends, but guys will act very dumb and selfish and they will go from being super nice to you to embarrassing and cruel, they can't help it, it's their hormones that are getting all whacked out.  

    Stay away from people who smoke, drink, have s*x or use drugs because once you hang with dogs, you'll get fleas, meaning, you will get a bad reputation that will follow you all through high school.

    Junior high is very stressful for many people who have a hard time dealing with all of these issues at the same time.  Keep things simple and stay close to your parents because you will need them when things get complicated.  Your hormones will be rushing around a lot too, causing all kinds of mood swings and impulsivity.  Forgive yourself and talk about everything, if you can't talk to your mom, talk to another adult female who you trust and follow her advice as much as possible, if she's responsible.  Talk to the school counselor like once a month too, to know that you are staying on track.

    Get involved in sports or another interest like student body, theatre, or something where there forms a group, but not like cheer, because cheerleaders often wind up doing all the bad stuff.

  4. All new things are everyone else too. Just be nice, smile,and be yourself. Look people in the eye. Don't go through the halls looking at the floor like you want to hide. And treat other students like they are important. You'll do great. Stuff is only new for about a week. After that it's not new anymore.

  5. Would help to know why your so scaredor is it just that feeling of going somewhere new and not knowing anyone and having to try and make friends and learn new things and be suphisticated and all grown up and not feeling grown up, and not wanting to be vulnerable. Well it's all normal and it will all pass after a week or so when you make a freind or two of people who feel exactly as you feel and need you to be friends as much as you eed them to be.  


  6. Sweety, this is not a chat room. I could report you as in violation of YA guidelines but I feel for you. I don't like anyone to needlessly suffer so I am willing to give you a break.

    Just keep in mind for the future that all questions must be posed as questions and in the correct category. You could have rephrased this and posted this under the education section of either secondary school or other-education. Here's a possibility for you to go ahead and do so. "What advice can you give in helping one transition to junior high?" And after this add the details you just gave.

    To answer your question their is really nothing to be scared of unless you are going to school in the hood. All you really need to do is have faith that everything is going to be fine and that will help add to the already vast probability that it indeed will be. 99.9% of us have survived it without mass trauma and most certainly you shall as well.

    Edit: The poster "leeburriss" gave excellent advice. My advice is from a general stand point but hers goes into the details. Very nice : )

    Sincerely Best of Wishes

  7. Fear is just an emotion and do not let it control you  just remember that you are not the only one starting this new so are others so just think about how scared they are too you can do anything you set your mind to and change is what happens in life just take the bull by the horns and realize only you can control you and make the best of these years and do your best at what you love and help save the planet and Google the name Jim Starry and help save the planet for yourself and others

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