
I need service hour ideas!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am in 6th grade. I'm in a "club" thing called Character Council. By May we need to have compleated 10 service hours. I already have 3, but I'm all out of ideas. Please help!!!!




  1. A lot of hospitals are always taking people for community service and most police department have something called Police cadet program you can check that out also try the red cross. Theres many opportunities out there you can also check this website its really useful i use it as a high school student

  2. If you have a local food bank check them out

    also animal shelters& poundNot sure if your old enough but call & see

  3. Hospital

    Animal Shelter


    Homeless People

    Picking up trash

    Nursery Homes


  4. We have a Character counts Committee and one thing we do is Make a Difference Day. It is a day in the Fall that we asa  community get together and rake leaves for people in the community. Well, depending on your location you can ask to help the community members with yard work or even running to the store. Ask a local library if they need any help with placing or moving books, etc. There are a lot of little things you can do and do not realize it! Ask a guidance councelor, they would know too!

  5. easiest way ever- Room at the Inn

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