
I need some advice…?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 2month old daughter & on the weekend went to a family wedding. Me & my partner got a little too excited & stupidly ended up having unprotected s*x.

I am currently 4days into my 1st period after having my daughter & as yet have not started to take my pill again. Do I need to take the morning after pill as I am now worried I could be pregnant again!!





  1. yes get morning after pill

  2. the sooner you find out the more chance of stopping any pregnancy!  Ring your local family planning clinic they'll be more than happy to help you, but there is a cut off line - think its 72 hours.  in other worde if you have had unprotected s*x more than 72 hours ago the morning after pill wont  work anyway - so act quickly!

  3. If you're currently on your period, it's highly unlikely that you're pregnant again, however, the easiest time to get pregnant is right after having a baby. So I would suggest you get a morning after pill ASAP and sort yourself out with your pill.

    Use a condom until you've got your pill sorted.

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