
I need some advice Bunny People!!!

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a couple of bunnies, they're 3 and half weeks old. I noticed last night that they're peeing orange, is that normal?!?!? Also, what do you suggest to put on the bottom of the cage, I had a wire bottom and took it out & now I don't know what to use. Also what do you suggest to use in the litter box? Help!!




  1. If they are only 3 1/2 weeks old, they are way to young to be away from their mother.  The ARBA says you wean kits at 6 weeks or older.  Cat litter works in a litter box or shredded newspaper also works.

  2. You bought them from an unreputable breeder.

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    They may not survive. I would take them back to be with their mom.  

  3. i think u should ask a vet or something

  4. The peeing orange is normal. Did you give them carrots or something orange?

    On the bottom of my cage I use wood pelets that you can by at a hardware store (the woodpeletes are used for your stove). You can use them for you litter box too.  

  5. They are too young to be taken away from their mother, and for the floor you need to use  Rabbit cage bedding, found in pet stores. And as for the litter box you need to take them to the vet and get them all fixed.  

  6. Put carefresh in the bottom of the cage and as for the litter box they sell litterboxes for rabbits at the petstore or you can just get a cat litterbox but do not use cat litter at all the dust from it causes respitory problems for rabbits. You need to also make sure that they get plenty of hay pellets and water but nothing else, don't feed them vegies untill atleast 12 weeks of age. Please join an online rabbit forum called the people on there are very knowledgable and could help you a lot I think. Good luck with your new bunnies. You can e-mail me any time with questions at


  7. 3 1/2 weeks? they are still supposed to be with their mother!  you aren't supposed to take the bunnies away from the mother till they are 6 weeks old, i don't  think that breeder is a real breeder, its common sense if you ever had a rabbit

    take them to the vet, they need to be cared for professionally

    good luck

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