
I need some advice on writing?

by Guest60543  |  earlier

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I have been singing since i was little, and i want to have a singing career. I take lessons and i perform 4 times a year (SOLO). Im going to record a demo really soon, but theres a problem: I can't write a song to save my life! I have no songwriting talent whatsoever. I have tons of ideas, i just can't seem to turn them into songs. Will the people at the recording studio help me or how does recording a demo work? Do i need to write a song by myself or do they help me? thanks




  1. A song consists of two parts: poetry and music. All songs are poems set to music.

    Listen to a favorite song. Write the words to fit the beat of the song. Sing your text (poem) to the music. Now, make it fit. Once you have done that, set the song to your own music, because the music you have been listening to is copyrighted. However, it is impossible to copyright a metrical beat.

    The people at the studio will not help you. All they will do is record you. Good luck with your future career.

  2. They will want to hear you sing established songs; what they call "Cover Tunes." They will want you to be ready. Studio time is very expensive.

    Find some songs without a broad range (lots of highs and lows). Use ones that you know inside and out. If its just a demo, three songs is enough.

    As for your own songs, many cities have songwriter circles where people can exchange ideas and learn techniques. Check around the clubs.

    Also, take piano lessons. ALWAYS start with the piano. That is the song builder. I can't really play very well, but I can write with it.

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