
I need some golf help?

by Guest60225  |  earlier

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im 14. I have trouble reading greens, sand hitting, driving long and far, getting my irons up. im not bad but i want to emphasise on this so that i can capitalize when it comes to crunch time.




  1. There's two main things that I've gone by that's helped me get this far and they are:

    Commitment and Self-Discipline.

    Try getting lessons and then dedicate yourself to perfecting what you're being taught. Don't just go out and hit balls but set yourself small goals to achieve by the end of the day. Practice on different greens, dry, wet, thick etc. Vary where you practice and don't just limit it to one course because all courses are different. My coach constantly reminds me that "practice makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect".

    It'll take a lot of time and patience but persevere and you'll get there eventually, and trust me all the hard work is worth it in the end.

    Good Luck!

  2. It sounds like your biggest trouble is consistency. That is something that comes with time and practice. My best advice is to hone in on the biggest problem area and practice that until it is no longer a problem. Then tackle the next biggest problem area.

    Reading greens can be very difficult, but understanding how the ball reacts on the green will help quite a bit. Try hitting the ball on the practice green in one direction, then turn around and hit it in the opposite direction and see that there is a difference in the grain of the grass. If the blades bend toward you the ball goes slower than if they are bent away from you.

    An easy way to tell is to notice how the shadows fall across the green. Generally, if you are putting with your shadow in front of you, the blades are bending toward you. This is kind of an advanced topic but I threw it in anyway.

  3. Get some lessons, they will really help. I also need to emphasize the concept of PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!..if you really want to be good.  But, the main thing is to just have fun.
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