
I need some help!! Big time!!!?

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Alright so I have benn thinking about becoming a vegetarian. i find that eating meat is so nasty I just dont know why. is this even healthy??? Also what are some vegetarian dishes I can make becase Im only 13 lol I dont really know how to cook. Oh and is eating seafood considered meat???




  1. Yes seafood is definitely considered meat. They are just more alien to you so they seem less animal like.

    And yes it is completely healthy for you to not only be vegetarian but vegan if you choose. Just be careful to eat well as young teenagers sometimes avoid certain foods that are integral to good health.

    As far as dishes good places to start are soups and stirfry's. Make sure to use brown rice instead of white and whole wheat and or sprouted grain breads instead of white. There is more fiber, complex carbs, and protein in these alternatives.

    Another easy recipe is when you cook pasta just toss in chopped up tofu and veggies in the end. Broccoli (40% protein or spinach are my favorites. Just strain add sauce or olive oil and salt and pepper and enjoy.

    Finally make sure to include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat a good portions of these raw every day. Good examples are cut up apples, carrots, celery (good with peanut butter), bok choy, peaches, strawberries, broccoli, cabbage, califlower, and the list can go on and on and on.

    If you really want to learn to cook buy or check out a vegan cook book and learn one new recipe a week. Simply follow the directions and in 6 months or less you'll be an expert.

    Best of wishes on your new endeavor. = )

  2. You should still eat meat.! That is where you are getting your protein from.  If you still insist on going green.. You can get some Veggie Burgers at your local grocery store.  Just ask a clerk to see if they have them.. They should be in the frozen section though.. They are like premade hamburger patties but they are no meat.. all vegetable.. That is one thing you should try.. Eating meat is good for you .. maybe just fix it different ways.. .. ...Hope I could help

  3. Congrats on wanting to go vegetarian! It is perfectly fact, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) states that Vegetarians have the least amount of heart burn, diabetes and even cancer.

    If you are worrying about not getting enough protein, here are some foods that contain protein:


    black beans

    brown rice


    garbonzo beans

    kidney beans


    lima beans

    peanut butter

    pinto beans




    sunflower seeds

    textured vegetable protein


    veggie dogs & burgers

    For recipes, here is a fantastic website for both vegans and vegetarians:

    Also, seafood is considered meat and fish that are slaughtered suffer just as much as any other animal does. Here is a website on the slaughter of fish & why you shouldn't eat seafood:

    Since seafood is considered meat, it might be hard to eat absolutely no meat at first. But you'll find that meat replacements make it easier to transition into being a vegetarian. Here is a list of meat replacements that still taste just as yummy:

    Good luck && Hope I helped :)

  4. yes it is considered healthy to become vegetarian. they have lower chances of heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. it's a proven fact that vegetarians/vegans live longer.

    here is a link that shows you hundreds of delicions vegan recipes:

    good luck on converting. hope i helped

  5. At 13 you will need to clear it with your mom if she is the cook in the house. You need to study Up on the correct ingredients it is not just not eating meat. The book that will explain how to do it and some recipes too is

    Diet for a small planet.

  6. First off ask yourself why you find eating meat distasteful.  Is it because you identify with the animals, because you can't stand the idea of death, because it is a convenient way to cover an eating disorder (vegans are especially apt to do this - "Oh I can't eat that because..."), simply because you dislike the taste, etc etc.  

    Once you are sure why you would like to become vegetarian confront the cause and try to rectify it (e.g. if you identify with animals, perhaps find a charity you can volunteer for, if you're afraid of death read some philosophy or religious literature - depending on your preference, if it's due to an underlying eating disorder and you are simply seeking reasons to bow out of meals, please seek a professional medical opinion).  Once you know why you believe this may be a choice for you it will be a much easier choice to make and stick to (and to justify to others, as with your parents).

    If you do decide to go vegetarian make sure you have a well-balanced diet.  Poor nutrition can lead to a range of medical problems you don't want to deal with.  There are plenty of sites offering advice on nutrition, go and have a look.

    Finally, eating fish is eating meat.  Furthermore, fishing practises, as they are, are generally unsustainable (perhaps excluding specific fish farming initiatives and certain heavily controlled areas).  Overfishing has changed the aquatic environment drastically (there are pretty much no north atlantic cod left, and it is unlikely they will return as other species now prey so heavily on the sprats that few make it to adulthood).  There are a number of other examples I could give (e.g. NA Right Whales - not fish but same principle), but basically it comes down to the fact that the underwater environment is invisible to us and the fishermen (just trying to make a living it's true) utilize techniques made available through industrial development (e.g. bottom trawling) that completely destroy the underwater habitat, fishing quotas are still too high to slow down the attrition and illegal fishing accounts for more.

    Anyway, good luck with whatever you choose.

  7. I'm a pescetarian. Seafood is meat, but that's what a pescetarian does. I eat seafood, but that's the only kind of meat, just because my parents won't let me completely give up meat. I'm 13, also. Ask your parents if they can start buying you Boca products. It's vegetarian (meat). It tastes awesome, too. You can  make cheese quesilldias because they have a lot of fiber and protein. If you have wraps, like soft taco shells, you put them on a skillet and put sprinkled cheese on top. When the cheese melts, you flip half of the tacoshell over the other top, and flip the whole thing over. It makes a great dinner with some fruits and veggies! Good luck!

  8. i say if it has a face its meat, and dont eat it, and the vegetarian lifestyle reverses heart diesease and vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, and factory farm animals are abused (try or for the younger people if you haven't heard of them) try, they have videos, recipes and food ideas and more information. try a bowl of veggies for a snack, or apples dipped in peanut butter, or a whole grain cereal with almond milk or soy milk, maybe try morningstar soy meat, i dont really like it but some people do. if you need any other help u can email me, or

  9. no seafood isnt saklad,corn on the cob,fruit,etc

  10. I've been a vegetarian for over half my life and I'm in perfect health. People always say it's unhealthy but as long as you get the right amount of protein and iron etc then you'll be fine. I personally consider seafood as meat as it was a living creature but plenty of people don't. Not sure if you could still call yourself a vegetarian though!

  11. i like fish.  but yes it is considered a meat. i dont eat meat because i care about my health and it is a bit repulsive. i see fish as fresh and healthy. dead animals are like rotting flesh to me, pumped full of c**p and toxins, and bad for you bowel as well.

    good sources of protien are tofu and soy and nuts, and beans (peanut butter too!, and dont forget boca burgers and shitake mushrooms yummmmmmmm

  12. I am also 13, and I've been a vegetarian since I was 11.

    Some meats are healthy, because they have certain proteins and vitamins in them. I have found that you can get the same nutrients from other foods, with out the fat and bad things in them. Finding stuff to eat has never been a problem for me. You can make just about any meat dish with fake meat, like Boca Burgers, Fake Bacon, Tofurkey, and there are tons of really good kinds of fake chicken. Since your not eating meat, its good to find foods with protein in them like beans and dairy products.

    And for the third question, there are different kinds of vegetarians. Some only eat Sea Food and no other meat, Some only Chicken. I, myself, don't eat any meat at all, but if you must, seafood is the healthiest kind of meat so it is your best bet.

    Good luck!

  13. vegetarian can be dangerous. u can get diseases. and yes etaing seafood is not vegetarian. u can teating any kind of animal or mamanl or any living creature to be vegg. and if u want portein, just eating peanuts or peanut butter

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