
I need some help? mexico?

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i am going to mexico in august and i go like every year. i am 17 and i drink every year they serve me but i wanna get into the clubs which is 18 and over. sometimes they card me and i want to get a fake idea but i have no where to get one i need help. I live i pittsburgh, pa.




  1. All I can say is this. Either you might find someone in Mexico to give you a fake ID and spend some extra dinero (money). However the flip side also is, if you get caught doing something illegal in a foreign country, you might run the risk of going to jail for an extended amount of time.

    If I were you, I would wait one more year til you're 18 and avoid the hassle.

  2. I suggest you  research  the Natalie Holloway story.

  3. I don't know.

    I'd advise against what you're doing; getting into 'over 18' clubs. If you're caught, Mexican police have you over a barrel. Have you heard how they treat Americans who break their laws? And if you're a 17 year old girl.... jeez, I know you wanna have fun, but start thinking with your head, girl.

    Take a look at these:

  4. hi im from mexico and here persons like you are very lucki because in mexico to the police or autorities are corruption and you can givethem some money and ready for party!

  5. I've lived in Mexico and I've been in the clubs when I was 15( I am 19 now)

    --My father used to OWN one.


    I t is crazy insane-the age-limit is for a reason-and honestly the police DON"T CARE about your well-being in Mexico-somepolice are more corrupt than most of the PEOPLE!

    I've lived ther twice-please, take my word for it.

    Go to a block party or something-those are great!

    And stay clear from border towns now adays! Drug Gangs and everything is gone to h**l in those parts!

    Godd luck, though--I hope you have fun and STAY SAFE!

    Oh yeah, and it is TRUE --if the bad police get their hands on you and you get caught(you under their authority,now)

    -- & being a young,beautiful 17 yr. old AMERICAN girl is one of the worst things you can be!

    THEY may be the ones who will have fun-WITH YOU...

    Just stay smart,buddy...

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