
I need some serious help again?

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I am having serious troubles. I am trying to make friends with my fiances ex so maybe she will stop treating me so badly in public and so she will let my fiance see his son. So I told him and he thinks my idea is great. I really want to do this for him because we have been going through a rough time lately and it makes him happy.

So this weekend I kept calling her because I wanted her to come for dinner and she kept hanging up on me. The last time she told me to die. I was so hurt. Thanks to some friends on yahoo who said it would be a great idea to bring dinner to her I did just that. I prepared speghetti bolognese and chicken francese. When my fiance came home we went to her house and set up a table on her lawn and set up all the food. We knocked on her door and she didn't answer. We knew she was home. My fiance was starving so he suggested we start to eat. All of the sudden as we were talking and staring into each others eyes, his ex appears and goes crazy. She flipped the table over and told us to go. So I start explaining to her what I planned and she said to leave. So we left and I was crying all night because I want to make my fiance happy.

I tried calling all weekend long and she wouldn't answer the phone. So I called today and hid my number and she answered and I said that I wanted to be her friend. She told me to die again amogst other names that she called me and hung up on me.

How can I become friends with her? Does anyone know why she would treat me this way? Do you think she is jealous because I am pregnant?





  1. Weren't you ever taught Alcohol and Drugs aren't good for you? How many times will someone have to tell you leave that woman alone. You would think she's wrong if one day you showed up at her house & she came outside and opened a can of whoop a$$ on you!  

  2. Were you the reason they broke up?  Well anyway, you can't make anyone like you or be friends with you if they choose not to.  If your guy is paying child support, he should see if he can get visitation rights included.

  3. LMAO!!! She doesn't like you because you stole her husband from her. Would you want to be friends with someone who stole your fiancee from you? NO! Leave that lady alone for she hurt you. I really hope  ALL of this is  a joke.  You can't be this naive. I refuse to believe that.

  4. You're stalking her... for real.

  5. lol stop it.

  6. Why are you trying so hard to be friends with her?  It's really not necessary.  Your fiance has legal rights and can force the visitation if its really the issue.  What you did is absolutely ridiculous!  Why on earth would you go to her home?? Focus on  your baby and your relationship with your fiance!! Stop worrying about her and what she thinks of you!!  You will all be better off for it!

  7. Their are legal ways he can seek to see his son. You shouldn't try so hard to be her friend. Most ex's will not want to be friends with someone is is now with their ex. She might still have feelings for him, she will get over it in time. Just let your fiance know that you tried, you don't need the stress because of being pregnant. He can go to the foc and file papers, stating either shes denying visitation or he can file a motion for custody and get visitation.  You need to stay stress free and don't worry about making friends with her. Don't even call her anymore and try its a waste of your time and energy.

  8. i wish i couldt get rid of all these long stories....uh

  9. Leave her alone.  You were really out of line taking dinner over and setting up on her lawn.

    She may be jealous or upset that you're pregnant, but the problems are between her and your fiance.

    Stay out of it....Quit trying to be nice.  

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