
I need three random spanish verbs...?

by  |  earlier

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I need three random spanish verbs (excluding hablar, saltar, cantar, bailar). Please I just need some spanish verbs with translation.




  1. chupar



  2. Vot forgets the most important Spanish verb now...

    "To eat"

  3. No speaky english.

  4. hmm. lets see theres..

    estudiar - to study

    esquiar - to ski

    fusilar - to execute by firing squad

    idk if i spelled the last one right but it should be have fun!

  5. tocar - touch

    mojar - to wet omething

    pegar - to stick someting or hit someone

    lamer - l**k

    escuchar - listen

    comer - eat

    lavar - wash

    estampar - to stamp

    etiquetar - to label something

  6. Dormir - to sleep

    Almorzar - to eat lunch?

    empezar - to start/ begin

    jugar - to play

  7. Jugar - to play

    Sentar - to sit

    Correr - to run

    Why is this in religion?

  8. volver: to return

    explicar: to explain

    jugar: to play

  9. In religion and spirituality?   Try education, you might find a modern languages teacher there.

    I do only Latin, Koine Greek, French and a little Italian.

  10. I would...

    But I haven't spoken spanish in a long while, I really only remember french.


    Just google it instead.

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