
I need to get better grades.?

by  |  earlier

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I go to this school of communicatons because i want to become a journalist when i grow up. For the first few months of communications, I always got good grades, and my teachers loved me. I even reprezent my school for their communications program, and i was also student of the month. But since it's getting to the end of the year, i go to a different class for communications. everyone including my friends are jealous of me and the are always wanting to be like me. but the class i'm in now is getting really hard for me, and i keep on getting u's and c's in that class. i haven't gotton my reportcard yet, but i know i have always made a's in communications. my friends don't know that i'm making these grades. so, how to i bring those grades up so that i don't fail my favorite subject? And how do i study better?




  1. concentration,  read alot of higher level books relating to journalism.  this will help bring up your level of understanding. u must develop confidence to know that u can do it.  

    check if u hv distraction, diff class can be demotivating.  analyse yourself first and see what went wrong and take remedial action quick b4 too late

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