
I need to tell u something?

by  |  earlier

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i live in america and Im feeling so lonely.... i dont kno wut to do.... tell me advices maybe i can feel better........




  1. Go back home?

  2. Why are u feeling lonely girl? Why not go and make friends at the church or mosque or whereever u worship at? Just dont go to nightclubs as they are meat markets. You are feeling the same exact way i felt when i was in lebanon so i sympathize for ya.

    Just shoot me off an email and we can talk and i can give you more advice about how to be unbored in america (since i was born here lol).

  3. you read books and join some activities so that you can enhance your experiences.

  4. make friends

    get out more and have planned activities (go to the museum, park, malls etc)

    make a list of things you like to do, that will give you a place to start

  5. aha i see ur dilema, i am a palestinian that was born and riased in america and i can tell u at first it seems very difficult but eventually u will meet arabs in ur area

    if u could tell me what city u live in i can tell u were the neares ACC arab community center is

    if u go to church/mosque u can meet people there

    u can go to arabic restaurants/bakeries/clubs/hookah bars/grocery stores

    every city here in the USA has them, u just gotta look for them and while u are there u meet new people and make friends :)

  6. get involved in your community! why don't you try volunteer for things that you care about! its a great way to make friends, help others...and its fun! then you could meet some people..and make friends..then you wouldn't be so lonely.

    do you like animals...volunteer at an APL

    how about can volunteer at a HOSPITAL

    do you care for the environment...get outside! clean up the earth!

    good luck hun! i hope you cheer up and make some friends!

  7. Well  could I suggest that whenever you feel like that you join us in this category & share your feelings  ....we are scattered all over the world but share a common love for Lebanon & try to encourage & support one another ...


  8. you mean what to do? go buy some games >.<.. like starcraft =D

  9. Hello :-)

    Sounds like you just moved to the states from Lebanon (is that right?)..

    Well, in all cases..I know you'll be fine! Right now its the summer so its a bit more difficult to make new friends..but once school starts in should be making friends in no time...

    Meanwhile, are you new in your town? Take a tour (as our above community friends have mentioned), check out the museums, parks, community centers...even volunteer in some activities (its one of the best ways of getting involved locally and getting to know some really interesting people...and I didn't do that often as a kid and I regret it)..

    Trust seems hard sometimes, but things always have a way of working out...take it from me; I grew up a diplomatic-brat, moving from one country to another every couple of years or so..always having to readjust, make new friends..etc..and I always had the time of my life wherever I was :-)

    Hang in there...go out and explore :) and as Aussie said, we're always here for you as well

  10. Chat with a nice friend ..

    Listen to music ..

    Read ..

    Paint ..

    Play video games ..

  11. Well........everybody here have given you good advices. Take any of them.

    I agree with all of them....try to open urself to new friends.

    Even, if you are a bit shy to make friends..or if is difficult for you to approach to new pple, there are always some activities that would allow you to know new pple without involve so much till you know them better.

    Trying volunteer for something is so well, bcoz u'll be giving some to ur community........but also making something for taking classes paint.....learning a different lang...making ceramics..gardening..or....showing another pple how ur own country is. I assumed that you arent from USA...why dont offer urself to teach ur mother tongue to someone else?

    The last thing you can do it as a volunteer at any primary school or love to know how to write their names in another lang.

    I have maken that many times.......teaching kids how to write their names in arabic..they loved it. Even.if you have posters, videos, or anything from ur can talk about it to the kids. It will help you to not miss it as much and kids will love it..

    I hope you can feel better.......good luck

    BTW...where are you from???

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