
I push everyone away from me??

by  |  earlier

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i have been rejected by a lot of people so now its like a natural response for me to push people away. I find the negative in people and manage to push them away. Its really bad i do have GAD and depression. From getting rejected and being a nice person is always hard. Why do i do this any advice on how to fix it?




  1. Learn to live for the Lord, and you will find the answers to everything you desire, will learn how to forgive, and leave the retaliation and punishment to a higher power...and then you can go on , and try to find people who will really apppreciate you darling x

  2. hey!! keeping a distance is nt bad...

    it cud b tat people unnecessarily *** closer to u...coz of attraction... so gud way ...keep thm away...

    congrates tat people r behind u... start realizing tat...

    1more reason.... leave ur frnds/luv away...if they return... they r really urs... :) [;)]

    ahh!!! I mean do things ur way.... belive in urslf...

    AL DA BST...

  3. You see people's flaws and tell yourself "they can't protect me".."i can't trust them".."they're going to hurt me" It's okay. People hurt's a normal response to protect yourself. It shows that are not completely over ..the bad relationships you had. Let time heal them..and slowly you will be able to trust people again.

  4. well for a start u can say sorry to the ones you loved or pushed away, u can try to understand people more than yourself. give them a chance to do wat they like and not be pushy on it. the key is to just try dont push your self to hard. thank you.

  5. Poppet you are doing exactly as I have done.

    Protecting your self from further harm and


    In doing this you are denying your self True Happiness.

    It is hard to trust,when you have been betrayed by so many.

    For your own sake start unstacking the wall you are hiding behind.

    Eventually you will find the strength and Happiness you so deserve.

    Otherwise Poppet you will reach my age,sad, lonely and unloved.

  6. I think you need to see a Doctor for medicine to get you back on track.

    I was the same way when I lost my Husband in 2003 than my Mother in 2004 its is now 2008 and I have turned my life around. I do not need meds any more. I am high on life. I treat everyone with respect rather they are negative. Remember we are here today and could be gone tomorrow.

  7. I am the exact same way. When I was little my Dad didn't want me.

    That was my 1st and biggest rejection, and will never get over that.

    If your in a relationship with someone and get dumped, that is rejection. If you are really close with a guy/girl and you suddenly are not friends, that is another example. I know how you feel, it's like you always find the negative in yourself, or other people and you tell your self ' it will never work out '

    But, you never give it a shot. I was recently really close with my guy friend, and we liked eachother, suddenly, he didn't have feeling for me.

    I always tried to find something wrong with me, and that's why he didn't want me.( as a girlfriend). I would literally stand in the mirror and tell myself that I was ugly, I was fat, maybe it was because I wasn't as wealthy as him. ( I am 14. ) It was always ''my fault"

    One day, I met a new guy friend. We became extremely close, and I could talk about anything to him, and could be myself.

    Being nice all the time is hard when you have had a troubled past. You have to push the negative aside. I used to be VERY judgemental. Then one day I asked myself, is this doing me any justice? Is it really helping me out? I would pick out the negative in someone right away. I knew it was wrong. When i thought a negative thought I 'trained' myself to immediately think a positive though. That's what worked for me.

    Why you do this, I don't really know why either girl, I'm sorry I can't help you with that.I hope you can relate and learn from my story.Best of luck.  

  8. Hey Darlin!

    I have GAD as well. I am a 27 yr old female.

    I kinda do the same, but really its only cuz i am anxious that they will do it anyways!

    I am kinda trying to learn to trust the universe and accpetin gthat people come and go from my life at the right times, and they usually teach me somethingi need to know.

    DO u like to read? I have some good suggestions that have really inspired me, and the last year, i feel like i am living, rather that just being alive:)

    Oh and as for the person twlling u to say sorry to everyone? I think u have punished urself enough, and saying sorry to everyone is not what u need to do! I hate it when ppl dish out advice like that! GAD is an illness, ur not a nasty person. Apolgise to youself for not being loving enough, but not to anyone else!

  9. I do it too.  In my case it is something done to me by my dad when I was 12.  Every time a woman gets close to me, I feel dirty and ashamed - push her away. I hope it's not for that reason.  Talking with friends about what happened, may help.  Maybe a professional psychologist?  I wish I could be more help . . .

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