
I reallly need help!!??

by Guest21429  |  earlier

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i have some sort of gift i dont really know what it is. it hasnt fully developed yet but thats because im only 16. im able to sense things, i can tell stuff about people and i see things in my head sometimes places, numbers and names of things. and i have had a few strange experienes with people. im not to sure what it is but its been happening forever but only getting more frequent. i was told to get a spiritual giude or something? but i dont no anything about this area im so unsure of whats going on. how do i get in contact with my spiritual guide? or do i even have one?




  1. You can discuss it openly with your mom you can put you in contact with genuine psychics who use their gifts to help people in life. You want to be sure you use your gift in  the right way. Since you are still young , you could  also make a journal of your experiences etc..

  2. I think you're too young to get into paranormal things. If they're happening to can't help it...but just let it happen and try not to pay too much attention to it till you're older. Now is the time to play and study and learn the things you need to know so you can support yourself later. If paranormal things..psychic things etc. are to be a part of your life..they'll stay with you and later you can investigate and learn more. If you get too involved right'll miss some of the best times of your life.  Be a kid while you can! If anything happens that you need to understand now...come back here and ask us. In the meantime...I hope you'll try not to pay much attention to it. Maybe later you'll find someone close to home to help you with things you need to know about it.Just because someone sees a UFO..doesn't mean they should spend their whole life investigating them. Same with psychic things. Go live your life. If it's meant to will happen.

  3. g thats amazing at that age, look out when you turn 21 time might fly?

  4. I know you have a Guardian Angel who is trying to protect you from bad things and  influences, but I have never of spirit guides.  Please do not look for one until you have checked this out with a Catholic priest, or a minister.

  5. One does not "get" a spirit guide.  They are always with you.  Through meditation you may be able to communicate with your guide.  But they do not reveal themselves until they are ready.

  6. You have the gift of a good imagination.  I would discourage you from relying on magical explanations at such a young age.  Doing so unnecessarily complicates life and frequently leads to incorrect conclusions.

  7. that's cool!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ur 6th sense is strong. People learned 2 shut down this sense that why they don't feel it. U R already connected 2 Urself that why U get the informations. Events happens in the energy fields 1st & ourselves know that. Ourselves know about what will happen before it manifests in the physical world. When we connect with ourselves we will know. Ourselves connect with us through dreams or signs. The more U listen 2 yourself the stronger the connection will be & the more will reveal. Usually vegetarian people have this sense stronger than others. If U want to develop this sense, try asking a question & wait 4 the answer to come 2 U. The little voice is the answer but the higher voice is Ur personality! Always listen 2 the little voice & let it come by itself don't force it. It helps me 2 differentiate between right & wrong. Usually when it's true U have a goose bumps & U feel lightness in Ur head. But when it's false & just a personality conversation or even an evil 1, U'll feel heaviness in Ur head & pressure in Ur chest. If U develop this sense U'll see even some visions like a daydream that comes by itself. Try 2 meditate ( :

  9. I'm  older than you, and I have it too, it usually gets you in trouble, because most of people doesn't have it and they get aggressive or away from you, an advice: keep it to yourself, you'll be happier, and don't think that the other person has it or understands you because they don't, and I'm not being pessimistic I'm being realistic

  10. OK many people are going to tell you to ignore it or not improve on it.  That is total BS.  Practice with this ability of yours in private.  Trust me this ability will come in handy, but do not let anyone know about it.  This will be something of yours and yours personally.  Many people have this, but they are not willing to talk about it.  Others mostly want to discourage it because they think they cant be the same way or that they had ignored theirs to the point where they have practically lost it.  So encourage this ability of yours on your own and alone for now.  If there is someone that will help you with this they will come along in time and show themselves to you.  Here's a little proof that these abilities are real.  The us government spent millions in a program of this type of nature and it was very successful at what they did.  I bid you well and safe travels on the path that few choose to walk, but there are those who are brave enough to walk it.

  11. I'm really into spirituality...Help me learn how to do that?

    As for your question, don't go getting involved with a world you're unsure of. You never know if there's bad forces behind it. Tell a local minister/priest about it. I know mine would listen if I was serious about the whole thing. People believe in so many fantasy things...including me. I doubt they would consider you crazy for a very enlightening gift you posess.

  12. Listen, this is not a gift. It is a curse.

    6th sense comes from the devil; reject it WILL ALL YOUR MIGHT!

  13. Ask Jesus into your heart?

  14. you seem to be clairvoyant. That is exciting!!

    Use a search engine to find local psychics in your area, they can help connect you to someone who can help guide you in developing your gift. There is also might can find something there.

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