
I really could use some advice?

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ok well im g*y i am 16 and i am in my first year of high school (got held back in 6th and 8th because of my mom) any way i have told 2 people that im g*y and they both took it rather well which makes me want to completely come out although as i said im in my first year of high school which makes me think that people will walk all over me and dislike me and i would like to know if i should come out or if i should wait?please help




  1. Do your parents know? Start by telling them first.

  2. same thing happend to my best friend.

    he told me and i still loved him for it.

    then he came out and some people didnt like the idea and some people were okay with it.

    it honestly depends on the type of people your friends really are.

    if there your true friends they wont care. and if they do then there not a big loss.

    i think most people will respect you.

    alot of people come out when they get to high school.

    and who knows maybe somebody you know is g*y too!=]

    dont be afraid to be your self!

    good luck=]

  3. No one can really tell you the best thing to do in this situation because it is really up to you. However, I would say that in my opinion you should be who you are and let people deal with there own issues with you if they have them. Also depending upon where you live people now are alot more accepting and about it and don't feel it's such a strange thing anymore. Be happy so whatever makes you feel good about yourself do that! Good luck!

  4. OK... girls are more accepting with g*y boys so my advice would be make friends with girls and get lovey with them and explain to them that you're g*y... they'll back your *** up and reject the boys who disaprove of it. I know because my best friend is g*y... but his friends accepted it right away and some even came out of the closet later on when he took the initiative of bringing g*y pride openess!!! alot of high schools also have support groups after school where other g*y students get together... i've been to a couple with my friends but i'm not g*y, talk to a counsilor about setting one up at your new school or find out if they already have one <3 good luck

  5. that's ok no worries... people in this day and age are a lot more accepting of g*y people :) i think that you should only come out to people who you feel comfortable with :) a good test is to ask them about their views on such issues such as g*y marriage or w.e. that is usually a good indication of where they stand :) if you get a good response.. come out :) it's not that hard :D

    good luck with high school! don't tell TOO many ppl you don't know very well tho cuz rumors are ugly things....

  6. whats up dude. im a freshman and im g*y too. i came out in 8th grade actually, and you know, when youre at that age, some people take it alright and some people just merclessly make fun of you 24/7. you could wait until people mature more (maybe sophomore or junior year), but remember, you are 16, so technically you couldwalk all over other freshman...

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