
I really need SIMILE help??

by  |  earlier

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i have an english essay to write and my last sentence is

There were no words to describe how it felt to rest my tired limbs after such an immensely long day, the mattress felt luxuriously soft and I fell asleep listening to the gentle sound of the ........

I want to say something about rain, i want a simile or something but i cant think of anything ... any ideas?

also if there are any ways i can make the sentence sound better i would TOTALLY appreciate your help





  1. ...and I fell asleep listening to the rain gently sounding like a new kitten's mew.

    ...and I fell asleep listening to the sound of the rain, gentle as a feather's touch.

    Those are a couple of ideas. I hope this helps!  

  2.   I like your sentence!  You just need to put a semicolon after "day," or start a new sentence.  What's wrong with the gentle sound of the falling rain?  I wouldn't overkill here.  The image is already good.  

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