
I really need some school?

by Guest44902  |  earlier

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my japanese teacher put us into groups for a skit which is our final and my group made the skit which by the way is really stupid because we were supposed to make the skit on everything we've learned the whole year but were missing so much stuff our skit is due on monday but my group also ditched me with translateing and makeing sure it was long enough should i add more stuff even though my group already decided the skit i mean if i fail this i fail the class i really need help




  1. This is one of the lamest things about school, how teachers can make your grade depend (or seem to) on some other hosers who really aren't motivated, so that some people get dumped on and some get a free ride.  Translating and padding sound like way too much work to dump on one person, and you've gotta stand up for yourself.

    Can you call your group members and insist they come help you?    Do you have any leverage over them?  Can you bribe them with something as simple as pizza?  Maybe each person should be responsible for their own lines, so it's clear who screwed up.  Make it clear that you're not going to be a martyr and do the whole thing for them; you'll do so much and the rest won't get done if they're not willing to help.  That ought to get them to cooperate, and your teacher ought to respect that too if she's fair.  Your biggest error from her point of view may be that you left it so late.  It might not hurt to call her before Monday and explain what you're doing, so she sees you didn't just not finish.

    Next time hopefully you'll know enough not to get stuck like this.

  2. More Interesting Stuff About Japan (if needed)

    Wild monkeys don’t like to be looked at in the eye

    The Japanese Prime Minister is elected by the legislature, not the people

    Legend says that the Japanese monarchy began in the 7th Century BC

    In Japan they eat squid, octopus, eel, all fish, crabs, prawns, etc…

    A traditional Japanese breakfast consists of rice topped with natto (fermented soy beans)

    The Japanese say that the Chinese will eat anything

    Japan is 70% mountains

    Japan is made up of over 6000 islands

    Kris and Jessica live in Japan

    There are wild monkeys in Japan

    You don’t wear shoes in the house, you wear slippers

    There are special slippers for the toilet

    You don’t wear your slippers into a tatami mat room

    In Japan, a night at the movies will cost you $18 per person

    In Japan many people wear uniforms i.e. bank tellers, grocery store clerks, postal workers…

    In Japan, most people say that they are Buddhist, but don’t believe in the Buddha

    Aspiring young Japanese musicians play on street corners and in subway stations hoping to get discovered

    The “WALK” lights on Japanese street corners make a chirping sound so that the blind can know when to cross the street

    Japanese subways are very clean and safe

    People sleep on their way home on the subway and the train

    Japanese cars are mostly the same size as American cars

    In Japan they drive on the left side

    In Japan you get really good (annoying???) service when shopping

    Japanese department stores are usually multiple stories, with a grocery store on the bottom, clothes and bedding in the middle, and restaurants on the top

    Japanese pizza has mayonnaise, corn, and seaweed on it

    Japanese salad has corn in it

    The Japanese think that Americans eat corn and potatoes every day

    Fruit is very expensive in Japan

    Watermelons in Japan can cost up to $100

    Peaches are $2.00 a piece

    There are Japanese people in Japan

    The second highest population is Chinese, followed by Korean, Brazilian, Peruvian…

    There are very few public trashcans in Japan

    A traditional Japanese toilet looks like a urinal lying on the floor

    In Japan, they know more about Chinese food than Americans do

    In Japan even local calls are charged by the minute

    Golden Retrievers are the most popular pet

    The Japanese use four different writing systems

    In Japanese, the word for “wrong” and “different” are the same

    American shows shown in Japan are: Ally McBeal, Dharma and Greg, Beverly Hills 90210, Full House, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Boy Meets World, Animal Rescue Kids

    Everyone hangs their clothes outside to dry

    Japan is the world’s largest consumer of tropical rainforest timber

    Japan has 28 National Parks and 55 Quasi-National Parks

    Japan is divided into nine large regions and further divided into 47 smaller prefectures

    Japan has the seventh largest population in the world

    You can catch a train to and from Nagoya every 15 minutes

    You can catch a subway train every three minutes in Nagoya

    The Shinkansen (bullet train) passes Kris and Jessica’s house every fifteen minutes

    The Japanese know more about American politics than Americans do

    Popular Japanese bands are: Glay, Smap, Hana Hana, Shingo Mama, The Yellow Monkey, Luna Sea, Whiteberry, Arc~en~Ceil, Da Pump, Kinki Kids, etc…

    Popular Japanese music is terrible

    Western celebrities in Japanese commercials are: Catherine Zeta-Jones for Lux Super Rich Shampoo, Cameron Diaz for Aeon Language School, Ewan McGregor for Aeon Language School, Nicholas Cage for Pachinko (what a dork), Brad Pitt for both Roots canned coffee and jeans, Tiger Woods for Wonda canned coffee, George Clooney for Toyota, Naomi Campbell for Lipton Canned Tea

    In Japan you can buy canned coffee, hot or cold, in vending machines

    In Japan, Pert shampoo is called Rejoy

    In Japan, 20 capsules of cold medicine cost $15

    Because Japan has a socialized medical system, if you get the tiniest bit sick people think you should go to the doctor so you can get your medicine for free instead of paying $15 for cold medicine

    Kyoto and Nara were consciously spared from bombing during World War 2 because of the cultural significance of their architecture and way of life

    In Japan, Ally Mc Beal is called “Ally My Love” because McBeal when said in a Japanese dialect sounds like McBeer

    Junior High and High School students wear uniforms

    Elementary school students wear yellow caps

    In Japan, the teachers move from class to class and the students stay in one room

    At McDonalds the hamburgers are the same size as in America, but the drink sizes are one size smaller

    “McDonalds” in a Japanese dialect sounds lilke “Ma-ku-do-na-ru-do”

    Japanese is hard (Nihongo wa muzukashi des)

    In Japan it is not uncommon to see women wearing platform shoes that are 4 to 6 inches high

    Instead of “Ohayo Gozaimasu” (good morning), Japanese youngsters often say “Oha!”

    Christianity comprises less than 10% of the Japanese population

    Normal Japanese kitchens don’t have ovens

    The bathroom is not where the toilet is found in a Japanese home

    In Japan, when you move into an apartment, you have to bring your own light fixtures

    There’s no such thing as central heat and air in Japan

    A futon is not what you think it is…

    One US dollar is approximately 120 yen

    In Japan you eat your soup with chopsticks

    Japanese streets are very narrow

    Streets in Japan don’t have names

    Pokemon is not popular in Japan

    Rice cookers are great and easy to use

    In Japan, fair skin is regarded as beautiful

    Many Japanese women dye their hair brown

    Refrigerators in Japan are tiny

    There are very few original castles in Japan because of bombing during WW2

    Whale is a delicacy

    The name “Tokyo” when broken down into kanji means “east” and “capital”

    The name “Kyoto” when broken down into kanji means “capital” and “capital”

    Noh, a type of Japanese theatre, can be up to eight hours long

    In Japanese, languages all end in –go : Nihongo, Eigo, Spango, etc…

    In Japanese, citizen names end in –jin : Nihonjin, Amerikajin, Perujin tec.

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