
I really want one?

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ok i know im gonna hear a lot of c**p from you all. but im about to turn 17 in a month and my bf is turning 18 in a few months. he makes a lot of money. and his mom is willing to help him and i out. since him and i both really want to have a baby now. i know we are young but we both feel like we are ready. what do you guys think? bc i really want one now




  1. Have you considered schooling, and how hard it is to keep up with a job. I'm 17, about to be 18 August 3rd and I am 26 weeks pregnant, and I'm telling you it's tough already, even with family support and money. I'm currently in my first year of college as well and I will be the one primarily taking care of the little one while my fiance goes to work. The average cost of a baby until they turn 18 is around $200,000 - $250,000. I'm not trying to persuade you either way, but you will have one tough road ahead of you if you both choose to have a little one, but it can be done. Just think your decision through.

    All of your time will be towards the little one. No more sleeping in, no more parties, no more hanging out with just you and the friends. Sorry if I sound like I'm being mean, but it's just the truth. Good luck with decision making.

  2. Personally, I think that all of you have lost your minds.....(think of the child)

  3. i think you should go for it! good luck :)

  4. It's a natural urge but think about it realistically how will it work?? What about money?? What about if he leaves?? What about if u grow apart and you meet someone else?? It might work, but then again it might not is it worth the chance? I mean some adult couples (married couples) break up over less or the exact thing.

  5. Watch the baby borrowers, it will change your mind. That or really have a baby for a week. Night and day. A little try before you buy kind of a thing. You will want to wait believe me

  6. Get Married 1st then have the baby

  7. Get married and get your own house and then have a baby. Trust me, if you dont then you will regret not being completely prepared.

  8. get married first and wait, just a couple years, to see if you reeeeaaaly are ready, if you just get married and have a kid nine months later, and find out you arent ready that  would not be fair to the baby, you have to realize, it is no just about you and your "husband", you have to  think about the baby and what is best for it

  9. it doesnt matter what we think. its totally up to the both of you.

  10. You're right about getting a lot of c**p. You're to young and you need to wait a while. You're even to young to be having s*x.

  11. please wait until you are at least 18...remember you have your WHOLE life to have are only 17 for a little while so you should try to have the whole free spirited teen experience while you still can. im 16 so please dont think im some bitter mature 40 or 50 year old lol..i just kno ppl who have had babies while they are still teenagers and they all say they wish they would have waited because they are jealous of their friends who dont have kids.

  12. I'm not going to post a lot of c**p.

    But if you have to ask our opinion, then I don't think you are ready to have a baby.

    On a sidenote, I had my first child at 18, my second at 19.

    ~ I lost contact with all of my friends, I was playing happy familes while they were out being normal everyday 18/19 yr olds.

    ~ I have never been on holiday with the girls.

    ~ I have spent 11 years being a single parent.

    Would I change a thing? Not now, but I wouldn't advise anyone to put themselves through that.

    It's your life, You believe you are a grown up, just remember, it's not something you can 'TRY'

  13. You should enjoy your youth while its still here. Have you thought about what would happen if your boyfriend left you, or if he got sick and was unable to work anymore? Life can be cruel, theres nothing wrong with waiting a few years. I would advice you to wait a bit and start putting some money away into a savings account. Meanwhile you can do some nanny work or babysitting, and get used to being around kids and learn the proper way to care for them.

  14. I think you should get married, get a good house, a good job,THEN think about babies.

  15. go for it

    if you think you are ready, do what you want

    but relize life will be no picnic

  16. a baby isnt a fad, you cant throw your baby away when you have finished playing with it. Get a doll instead

  17. i got pregnant when i was 18 and love my daughter to death. as long as you have graduated high school(trust me, you'll be glad you did), are in a stable relationship, you have the money to support the baby and your parents support you..then i figure its fine. just make sure you are truly ready

  18. You can't even vote or legally drink. WAIT you are way to young.

  19. get married first

  20. i think that you should finish school, go to college, get a job and then if you want to well go ahead and have a baby

  21. I think if you guys are really serious about this you should make sure that you both are married and graduated and can affored to take care of yourself first.  Consider yourself first, and how far you want to go beyond motherhood.  I know it sounds great right now to have a bundle of joy, but even my friends who have babies and love them more then anything wishes it were different and they didn;t have to rely on their family members to help, and they had better oppurtinitys for themselves to really bring their child into a supportive home.  I'm 20 years old, and even working so hard, and having family help me out I'm still fighting to even feed my dog and cat that my sister also helps me out with.  Thinking a baby though is even more a responsiblity and extra care with docter bills and food, and cloths, and babysitters.  Please keep your own life in mind before bringing in another one into it...

  22. I think you are extremely immature. You asked.

  23. Get married and then go for it.

  24. Marriage before children. Because you really don't know how you two will be together say a year from now even.

  25. I  got pregnant w/ my son when I was 17. I needed a kid like I neede a hole in the head. Chances are you're the same way. Have you even graduated high school yet? Do YOU have a job? Do you plan on living w/ your bf's parents forever? How long have y'all been together? This guy isn't even 18 yet. Do you honestly think he's gonna wanna settle down and live "happily ever after " with you and a baby??? Get real!!! You guys have the rest of your lives to have a kid. Be kids! (Cuz that what you are- A CHILD!!!) Finish school, got to college and make something of yourself so you'll have what it takes to raise a child when you're ready, and be sure to grow up along the way.


  26. you are young but I shouldnt be the one talking because I was way younger than you when I had my first born i was only 14 when i got pregnant and my boyfriend was 18 but we worked out and now look we bought a house he makes good money we got married and now we have 3 kids and everything is working out fine.  So if your ready and he's ready and willing to commit then I say go for it.  Try getting one of those babies that they do in school see how that works out.

  27. i think your to young you havn't even been in college. it could ruin your life but it could also joy it up. you should go to school get a degree and then have a baby. think of the baby not you guys.

  28. NO wait till you 23.
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