
I smelt smoke..?

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A few days ago I was at work bending down putting something in a drawer. I suddenely smelt smoke, and I sniffed a couple of times and it seemed like the smell got slightly stronger. I started freaking out thinking there was a fire in the shop or something, and as soon as I got up to ask someone else if they could smell it, it vanished.

I thought that a smell would go away gradually, but it seemed to go away as fast as it came.

The only thing that could have slightly explained what happened is the smell of computers when they're on for a long time, but it was an entirely different smell. Not really cigarette smoke either, more like something was actually burning.

Has this happened to you? What does it mean?




  1. My aunt lost her son at a younger age. He was hit by a car.

    Though he was certainly under age he was a HEAVY smoker. She also had a 2 year old baby at the time and the the 2 year old would complain there was smoke in his room A Lot after he died. No one smoked in the house. The older sister who was 20 (yeah huge age gap I know, but all the same parents), was driving and she got huge wiffs of smoke on 5 occations.

    The family is convinced it is their deceased son/brother who needs help getting to heaven.

    there was never solid proof that anything ever burned.

    that's the story I got for ya.

    Hope this makes you feel better- it's not just you

  2. I've had similar experiences with cigarette smoke smells. It pops up, hangs around for a bit, then disappears as quickly as it came. Like everyone else has said, check things our to make sure it's not electronic related. Is it possible that the smell could have come in from outside? If it doesn't happen a lot, I'd say not to worry about it too much.

  3. As a smoker, I can tell you that it is a uphill battle to keep the smoke scent down.  I am constantly cleaning and that is one of the prices that I pay.  Smoke collects in soft surfaces like cushions in chairs, curtains and carpets.  Look around your office and see if you have a smoker that is close to an air vent.  Not that they smoke in the office but things around them could have the odor to them and it is transfered via the air vents.  It may just have a hot odor to it.

    It is said that if you smell things burning and there is no physical reason, you might need to consult a Doctor as it is a sign of medical illness.  Please do so if it continues.  Does anyone else smell the same smell as you?

    After you have examined all the natural possibilities, consider checking into the history of the building?  You might find that there was a fire there at some point.  Many times, reclaimed items will be used to rebuild with like brick.

  4. Either you smelled smoke that was really there, you had a sense memory triggered by something you were doing or else you hallucinated the smell.  It's unusual, but it's not paranormal.

  5. Do you mean you smelled smoke? There is an old saying, where there is smoke there is fire!! Maybe you should be very alert.

  6. Usually when people smell smoke, it is a sign of something bad to come, (Sense smoke means fire which is bad) it doesn't have to be a fire, but you should seriously just watch out for things, not only for yourself, but for your friends and family. Smoke is a sign.

  7. Something similiar, but so far, there has always been an explanation.  Smoke particles can travel long distances in the air, and the smell can linger, or dissipate rapidly. A few months ago, I could smell the odor of burning rubber.  After checking around the house/yard and not finding anything.  The next day, I found out that a car had been on fire - 18 blocks from my home.  Sometimes if something gets overheated, it will give off fumes, like it is burning. If it only happened one time, don't worry about it

  8. Check the electrical outlets to see if there were signs that any were damaged.  It is possible if they are overloaded and drawing too much current.

  9. It could have been a premonition.Keep your senses on alert.
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