
I think I broke my back :(?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, I simply got up from our air mattress. We just moved to our apartment from another state and we don't have a bed yet.. I was going to get in the shower. Nothing hurt at all when I got up. But when I was all the way up I felt agonizing pain for some reason. The left side of my spine about mid back feels like... I don't even know what it feels like. I can hardly breathe when I bend or anything. I'm walking around the house like I just got in a car accident or something. I have been keeping icyhot patches on that my husband got me, but its not helping. I can't sleep, I hardly have an appetite. It doesn't feel like muscle pain at all, I know what that feels like. I'm only 23 years old and I feel like I'm broken. I don't want to go to the doctor if there's nothing they can do to help me. Any ideas on what this is?




  1. If your broke your back you would not be able to walk. Sounds like you may have pinches a nerve. You can either see a MD for some muscle relaxants and an x-ray if you are worried, or you can see a Chiropractor for an adjustment.If it where mw I would go with the Chiropractor.  

  2. I hate to say it but you should go to the doctor. If you dont feel like its a pulled muscle or anything. You might have kidney problems or something along those lines if you havent done anything that you could think could of hurt you.

    Just have the doctor check you out to be sure your okay

  3. You wouldnt be able to type or even think if you had broken you back! How naive can you be! you have just crinked it. x.x.x

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