
I think I have PMS!?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I am 12 years old, never had my period. For the last week I have been having these headaches at night, stomach aches by day, and bloating at times. I am tired a lot now too. I have had Discharge for 6 mounths now. I was wondering if this is PMS. I took my temp to see if i was just sick and I am fine!





  1. well i have had discharge for over 2 years now and don't have my period so who knows?

  2. yeah you are probably about to get your period when you get it tell your mom or a female to help you get the things you need :)

  3. could be. only time will tell. :P

  4. your body is starting to get ready for p.m.s. you period will be here any month now. don't worry. wait a few months and if it still hasn't come see a doctor.

  5. its okay to have pms. it NORMAL. grow up

  6. most girls get their periods around 12-14. how long have you had these PMS symptoms? sometimes they can appear about a week before you get your period. since you havent gotten your period yet this might be a sighn that you are about to.

    Dont freak out about it. its totally natural.

    I recommend talking to your mother or a close adult female relative/friend, stocking up on "supplies" that way you are ready when you get it and seeing your doctor for a checkup=] i recommend seeing a female doctor, sometimes it is easier talking to a woman than a man about these things and you definately want to be very open with your doctor, dont hold anything back just because it might be embarassing of hard to talk about.

    I hope this helps you. Puberty can be a confusing and sometimes scary thing, but it happens to every one.  just see your doctor reguarly for checkups and you should be fine.  

  7. thats not PMs but those are symptoms for period so be ready

  8. Have you spoken to your mom? She is the person you should be talking to. I have a 24 yr old daughter and if she couldn't talk to me about this sort of thing I would hope she could talk to another adult female, maybe an aunt or school nurse. Sounds like you need to see a Dr. It doesn't sound too serious but I really think that this is not the best way to get medical advice of this type.

  9. Every girl gets discharge once they start puberty. No that is not pms.

    PMS lasts the the first couple of days before your period. PMS does not ever last 6 months. You probably aren't getting enough sleep. That can give you tummy aches and give you headaches while you are still awake. That happns to me if i stay up too late so aim for 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

  10. no may be a yeast infection

  11. calm down.  It could be anything.  Those symptoms are really general.  Even if it is PMS, it won't last long.

  12. thats not PMS

  13. It could be PMS.

    You might be starting your period, since you are getting some signs of that.

    Wait it out a week or two and see if that starts, if it does, congrats, you're a woman!

    If it doesn't, then I would go to the doctor and they can pinpoint what is going on.

  14. Sounds like PMS. There are over the counter pills you can take to help keep it down. Talk to your mom and she would be able to help you or your dad. Also for head aches do Excedrin, or Tylenol Extra Strength. Good luck.  

  15. u mean 'mad cow' ?

  16. ummmmmmm, maybe, but dont worry about it. its not all that bad

    once you get it. =/



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