
I think I may have ADHD.

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I have looked up the symptoms and most of them describe me. I may just be a moody teenager but I have a feeling this is more than that. I get angry alot of the time and rarely listen to people. Mostly because I can't hear them talking to me. I got so angry about 2 weeks ago that I ended up smashing a large window inside my house, not purposely of course, but caused some upset with my mother. I have been depressed ever since a series of close family deaths about 5 years ago. Why do you think im like this? Please help me x




  1. thats not adhd thats like depression and anger issues.

    seek counseling.

  2. one do you care about the other people talking to you

    two you have anger issues

    three you need to learn how to let go of the family that died

  3. sounds to me like you need some one to talk to?  I personally dont think your adhd or add .

    you need a counsellor firstly to let a few things go sounds like you have alot of emotion and no direction for it.

    there are so many disorders, syndromes, and mental heath issues out there i would be so quick to try and diagnoise yourself .

    If a bit of councelling doesnt make you feel good after the visit,I would recommend a neurophysiciatrist .

  4. ADHD can be properly diagnosed ONLY by a psychiatrist.

    General Practioners (GP) TRY, but the list of symptoms is so broad that it seems that EVERYBODY is ADHD.

    The psychiatrist can tell the difference between being a "moody teenager" and true ADHD.

    And you need to see a PSYCHIATRIST, not a PSYCHOLOGIST.  A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor, and can write prescriptions for ADHA medications.  a Psychologist is not a medical doctor and is not allowed to write prescriptions.  IF a psychologist thinks you are ADHA, they will refer you to a psychiatrist.

    Above all, DO NOT ask your GP to make the diagnosis.  He or or she will most liekyl be wrong!

  5. ive felt like that dont worry it is hormones. x

  6. You should bring these thoughts up with your doctor.

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