
I think i have shin splints...?

by  |  earlier

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sooo im trying to get in shape for marine corps boot camp in november, so im running a lot. i think im getting shin splints though, i've got a pain throughout my shins that goes away when i start running and comes back later.

i've been taking in a lot of calcium and stretching my shins, icing, there anything else i should do to help treat this so i can run more efficiently ASAP? thanks...




  1. shin splints are tough to deal with. I would advise you not to run through them, if they get back enough they can turn into stress fractures. If you can try running in a pool or on a softer surface such as grass.

    Also how old are your shoes? If your shoes are worn out and have to cushioning left that could also be a problem. If they are old look into getting a new pair that has a lot of cushioning.

    If you can't do any of the above, the get a shin brace, it is just a tight compression that goes around your lower leg that will help you out.

  2. without getting in to too much explanation you might want to make sure u have new shoe with orthodics or arch support. do calf raiser and run on the ball of your feet.

    email for more

  3. Read this... It really helped me when I had shin splints:

  4. Lots of achilles and hamstring stretches, replace running with cycling and swimming. Give it a couple of weeks then re-introduce running slowly, short distances on soft surfaces and see how it feels. They're usually caused by doing too much too soon, plan your programme accordingly.

  5. hey maybe you shouldnt run on pavement and let them rest some  and maybe you should get good insoles in your shoes goodluck with the marines my dad just got back from afghanistan hes in the national guard tho

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