
I think my kitten is blind?

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Hi, I rescued a kitten from school today. She is going ok, but still a bit feral. Anyway, i'm concerned about whether she is blind or not. Mum noticed today that her eyes seem reasonably milky looking. We are concerned that she is blind? Is this normal or is there something wrong. I work at a vet surgery so I will obviously take her soon but is there something to be concerned about? If she is blind is it a bad idea to re home her? thank you in advance.




  1. You will have to be very careful until you get her checked out, because although it may be nothing, and she may not be blind at all, there is also the possibility that she has cat-flu.

    Cat-flu can result in blindness..

    Depending on what strain of cat-flu you cat may or may not have, a kitten may not be able to cope and need to be put down.. so I dunno... maybe don't get too attached incase that is the scenario. Other symptoms of cat flu are aching joints, depression, loss of appetite, ulcers on paws, etc.

    Although, it may just be a bit of conjunctivitis. :) Which I hope it is.

    What I said about cat flu is the worst that can happen, so don't get upset. :) Good luck for your little kitten and I hope she gets better. :)

    OH! and to answer the second part of your question, if she is blind, it is really up to you whether you keep her. She will need a lot of care and attention. You are best not letting her outside without supervision, and even then, she will need to know your presence. She will probably need to be kept in a room with blankets, and her food/water and a kitty-litter.

    I have a friend with a blind dog, and they keep her on a chain about 1m long during the day in the middle of the floor so she doesn't walk into the walls. They take her off and sit with her in the living room at night.

    It's a big responsibility and up to you whether you keep.  

  2. when you bring her in today you will be able to find out for sure and then go from there, if she is she can NEVER go outside.  she shouldn't go outside to begin with anyways but especially if she is blind or deaf or something like that.

  3. She could have an upper respiratory infection or even herpes virus in her eyes, both can be treated (the herpes cannot be cured however). Just keep her dry and warm and well fed until the vets can evaluate her.

    If she IS blind, she will need a home where they are able to understand her disability. Most blind cats do very well, they can get along find with their sense of touch, smell and hearing; so long as the owners don't move their furniture around a lot! She would learn her new environment and adapt to it in short order.

    But I wouldn't worry over anything until you know for sure what's going on. Just take good care of her, keep her full of good food and plenty of love!

  4. Hey...

    If you think your cat is blind, try taking it to the vet to see if it really is. One way to find out is to pay attention to the way it walks. Does it bump into things? A flu can sometimes cause blindness if it is too bad.

    Oh yeah, even if it is blind, that doesn't mean you have to give it away. What is different, makes it special. And if YOU don't want it , who will!

    Hope my answer helps!

    *Please choose as best answer*

    ~ HOLY ME ~  

  5. Might be an infection or similar.

    Does she bump into things?  A newly homed kitten won't have a clue where to go, so unless she's not moving, she probably can see.

  6. Blind or not, she still needs a home. Luckily she has whiskers to help her get around. But anyway, cat's eyes aren't supposed to be milky so taking her to the vet is a good idea.

  7. just sick take it to the vet

  8. she is just sick...wipe it off with a wll keep forming but keep wiping it off....keep her warm...giver her food and water...but not milk...and take good care of her...her cold should pass soon if shes talken good care of

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