
I think somethings wrong.. ?

by  |  earlier

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mhm so at like 4 hours ago my mom slapped me cross the face.. but she kinda missed and hit my jaw,

well like right after that my jaw hurt really bad, but on the opposite side she hit and then the whole side of my face hurt (inlcuding my eye) and my jaw area felt wierd.. like it was swollen.

i had a headache but its gone now.

i thought it was okay but then i ate something and i could hear like a clicking noise everytime a chewed and it felt really weird.

and nooow it hurts again. not alot but its just like constant pain. and if i move my mouth to talk it hurts more.

is that bad? :|

oh, sorry if this is kinda hard to read.. im tired haha

aaaand i really didnt know where to put this

so i put it here

cause this is where i put most of my questions.





  1. that would not be a good thing. your mother should not be hitting you that hard! nor should she be hitting you in the face!!!!  

  2. No mother should slap their child in the face no matter what the reason! It sounds to me that your jaw might be dislocated or something. I dislocated my jaw before and thats exactly what it felt like. You need to go to the doctor one way or another.

  3. You should be more concerned why your mom is slapping you in the first place.

  4. Your mom shouldn't be slapping you!

    Anyways, go to sleep and if things feel really weird when you wake up, you might wanna see a doctor.

    Good luck!

  5. Why would she lay her fugle hands on you seriosly. wait a sec can you say what you did for her to slap you before I go on cuz you might have deserved it. But tell that monster to take you to the doctor asap and tell her you mean NOW!!! wait don't say it like that cuz u might get slaped again

  6. Oh.. i think it might be um... how would u put tis... dislocated? i think tat's wat happened cuz my mum cant chew hard stuff, if she does her jaw will start makin clicky sound n she says it hurts..

  7. Thats definitley not normal! This happened when i popped my jaw out of place. This is abuse your mom should be hitting your face anyways. Trust me i know it will be hard but TELL SOMEONE.I had too

  8. Go to the doctors to have them examine your jaw as is may be dislocated.

    If you can't go to the doctors alone can you ring an aunt or grandmother who can take you...even a close friend?

    Good luck.

  9. call the cops and tell them wat you just wrote to us

    she will go to jail for the night and never do it again

  10. tylenol

  11. er think u deserved it xD

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