
I wanna live in America?

by  |  earlier

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OK so im still young and stuck in england. If i move to america, how will i get citizenship there? and any recommendations on nice places to live? I've already considered san antonio, LA, and Buffalo.




  1. ew dont move here..youll regret it

    im proud to be american but our country is going downhill right now..its not a good time to consider moving here because of the economy, local problems in big cities, ect.

    wait awhile..get your life together and then decide

  2. Unless you are independently wealthy you need a job + a work visa. You need a sponsor for a work visa - you can't apply for one on your own.

    Check with US companies in the UK and UK companies with offices in the USA.  For example, Hilton and Marriott hire international staff.

    UK citizens can visit the USA for up to 90 days as a tourist, so you could travel for interviews & tests if necessary.

    Search "international exchange programs USA" and there should be many links to programs that offer temporary and seasonal work in the US.  Do carefully check any programs you might be interested in as not all of them are a good deal.

    Another option is to go to school in the USA.  UK citizens can easily get a US student visa and you MAY be able to work on-campus.  Having a USA university diploma or certificate will make applying for jobs easier, and going to school in the US will help you decide if you really want to move here.

    Good luck!

  3. You will need a work visa to come to the US.  Once you are educated and employed, then you can make that your focus.

    At that time, come for a visit to cities that interest you to check them out.  San Antonio is very Texan and of course hot.  LA is huge and sprawling, expensive and loaded with traffic, but very exciting.  Buffalo is an older "rust belt" city in the snowy cold north.

    You have much studying to do, but I think the thing is to get established in life, figuring out your professional life first so you can even know what kind of city you want to be in.  For example, if you will be a doctor, the need is everywhere; but if a nuclear physicist, only in the bigger cities.

    But it's not too soon to plan ahead, so do that for sure!  Happy dreaming and scheming!  

  4. Orlando, FL

    You could get sponsored to work for Walt Disney World at Epcot.  They bring people from over seas all the time for that park.  It's worth a shot.  Good luck.

  5. Get an education and get about 10 more years on you and then ask again.

  6. Connor, have you ever been to America......i mean other than Disney World. Its a great place to visit but you really wouldn't want to live there. Don't get me wrong, the people are great. They are friendly and larger than life and some of the countryside and national parks are without equal in the world but the place has no history in depth. It also has places of poverty you could not imagine being from England.Everything is modern there and looks the same. If something is over 100 years old they call it historic. Going by that most of the buildings in Europe would be historic. Also there is the more serious point of civil liberties which you may not fully appreciate being from the UK. Americans harp on about Freedom, Liberty etc etc to such an extent you get the idea they protesteth too much. For a nation that has never been occupied or oppressed ( the war of independence was a British civil war) they are really full of c**p. Did you have to swear allegiance to the Queen and country at! American school kids HAVE to every day. Do you feel like you have the right to openly critise your way of life and country, yes of course you do.....try that in the USA. They honestly believe in freedom because they are brain washed that way from birth. They do not seem to have the right to decide for themselves. Next time you go on holiday there listen to how many times you hear the words American, freedom, liberty every day. Its forced down their necks to be patriotic just like the other countries that carpet their cities and houses in National flags. The USA critises Russia, China, Korea, Cuba etc etc. I see the USA as the same. They are a great friend and we are lucky to have them but when you look closley you are better off where you are and visit the USA for your holidays. YOU have the right in England to choose if you want to be a patriot and if you want to burn the flag you can without getting a criminal record. One final point, the USA is a very, very expensive place to get ill or get old in. The NHS is the jewel in the crown of the UK. You have been brought up British and free, if you lived anywhere else now you would soon find out things are not always greener on the other side of the fence.

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