
I want CHANGE.?

by  |  earlier

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Now let me start off by saying that I have never in my entire life actually cared about an issue. I know that sounds bad, but I'm being honest. Sure I know that AIDS is bad and the environment needs fixing and the spotted owls are endangered and you know, but nothing's ever really affected me until now.

Like all of a sudden I can't stop thinking about this. I learned that my school is going on a field trip to the Bodies:Exhibit soon and I did research on it and it totally made me sick. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about. The exploitation of executed prisoners from China on display for entertainment purposes without their consent. Like honestly I usually care about something for like 5 minutes and then get over it, but I cannot get this off my mind!

What I'm trying to ask is, what can I do? How can I change this? How can I make it stop? How can I even make a dent?




  1. It sounds disturbing.  That is the point of the exhibit.  The goal might be to disturb us and make people think about exploitation.  People's rights are constantly being trampled and people treat each other like meat.  It is becoming harder and harder to remind people to be humane and generally care.  This exhibit might be a sledge hammer smacking our apathy.  It is good you want change.

  2. This sounds horrible. You can definitely try to do something to change this. Find some people in your area who feel the same way, start a club or a campaign, write a petition and send it to the exhibit. its ALWAYS worth a try.

  3. I don't know anything about the exploitation but I have seen the exhibit and it is pretty cool.  Not from an artistic viewpoint but from a scientific viewpoint.  Seeing the nervous system and muscle system and it's abilities was amazing.

  4. You're right, this sounds horrible and wrong. You can do many things such as protesting and phone calls can make all the difference. I'm sure you're not the only one who feels this way. You have to make yourself heard and others WILL follow! Just tell your teacher or whoever that you don't want to go and WHY. Make sure others are there to hear you and they might not go either.

  5. Just be careful what you wish for.

  6. Nothing.In fact your apathy is part of the problem on a global level.Caring about one issue means nothing.
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