
I want to be a doctor?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to be a doctor in a hospital when i grow up. Im in 9th grade now. If anyone knows any medical books that i can check out or any tips or anything that i can use or do to better myself in the medical field, that would be great. If you know any good schools that have good biology programs and any good medical schools then please tell me.

Thanks alot!




  1. You want to be a doctor...let me shed some light on your fantasy. First, if your father isn't a doctor that's one stike against you. If you don't have millions to donate to a medical school thats strike #2.

    If you are serious, here is what you need to do. Forget a social life. Forget girls and proms and friends. Buckle down now and get straight A's. Not one B. You need to do this now in order to get into a good college. Study your a ss off. If you get straight A's during the next few years then you have good study habits and actually have a chance.

    The next step is to go to a good college. Does daddy have $$$ no? then here comes a state school. Fine no problem. You still need to get straight A's. Again no B's. If you can maintain a 4.0 GPA throughout your college career and take challenging classes in science, then you are doing great.

    The final step is to take the MCAT. Do well on that and Medical schools will be pounding on your door. Fail and everything you have worked for will be lost.

    If that is the kind of life you want then have a good time. If not, then be normal. Get a girl, study normally, and forget the pressures of getting a 4.0 Doctors aren't that great. Actually a lot of them are idiots. You would actually make more money learning a trade like carpentry, plumbing or electicity. Plus you would have a happy life.

  2. Wow, you're going to be going to school forever.. Medical books... I have some nursing books.
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