
I want to be famous????!?

by  |  earlier

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No really, since i was like 3. Hahaha ive auditioned for stuff but what else can i do??? please no stupid answers!




  1. sing and act lots

  2. Everybody wants to be famous, hun.

  3. You want to be famous? are you sure?

    Would you enjoy people stalking you?

    Would you enjoy not having free time out in public because people will be taking your picture?

    Would you enjoy not knowing if future boyfriends or friends are really your friends...using you  because you are famous?

    You have to be willing to take the bad along with the good.Some don't ever think of that.

  4. think about it are you ready to loose your privacy?

    You wont be able to go anywhere ... the paps will haunt your every move and follow you  ... you wont even be able to go out side with out having pics of you all over the mags the next day ...

    If you are still wanting to be famous then choose the branch ... acting? Singing? Modeling?

    enroll in classes and get an agent ... but seriously ... think about the negative side of being famous ...

  5. If u go 2 ur local Fashion Bug they r having a fashion show to find modals just go 2 fashion bug 2 sign up before sep 13

  6. Go to Hollywood.

    Or even New York City.

  7. Get an agent.

  8. go to Hollywood

    good luck!

  9. You'll grow out of it. Seriously, you will.

    The most famous people out there don't want to be famous, they just want to do what they do and do it well.

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